Project requirements: Select an actual organization—this can be the company wher

April 21, 2024

Project requirements:
Select an actual organization—this can be the company where you currently work or a company where you aspire to work one day. ( I currently work at University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, TN.)
Write a 4-5 page paper—this report is divided into two sections.  The first is your own personal wellness plan you plan to adopt and the second section is your recommendations for an organization to adopt a wellness program.
Use 5 scholarly outside resources (other than your text).
Use APA for in-text citations and references.  (see www.apastyle.orgLinks to an external site. if you need information or www.owl.english.perdue.eduLinks to an external site., Perdue University’s online writing lab).  Your paper should have appropriate citations and references.
Use a cover page and put your project in a presentation sleeve.
Use headings within your paper to separate, see APA for how to use headings appropriately.
Writing errors will count, proof carefully.  Review the APA websites carefully.
For Section #2, assume you are presenting this paper to the CEO and Board of Directors to encourage them to start a wellness program as part of their HR Benefits strategy or expand their current wellness program.

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