Project 1: Students will: Create Health Education/ Health Promotion Materials th

June 27, 2024

Project 1: Students will: Create Health Education/ Health Promotion Materials that, not only address the needs of the primary target population of Methadone users, but to also educate, raise awareness, and reduce the stigmas associated with Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
Utilize products, programs, or interventions as a means to promote healthy behavior changes in individuals and communities. Use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual decisions that enhance health. This can take a variety of different forms, so as you begin to develop your materials, it may be helpful to consider the following:
Review background information to define the problem. Readings, sites or videos. (What’s out there?)
Set communication objectives (What do we want to accomplish?)
Analyze target audiences (Who do we want to reach?)
Develop and pretest message concepts (What do we want to say?)
Select communication channels (Where do we want to say it?)
Select, create and pretest messages and products (How do we want to say it?)
You will be evaluated in the following ways:
Preliminary Research- Has the student actively engaged in the preliminary research process, providing relevant sources for the health communication materials that they have designed and appropriately integrated them into the materials that have been developed?
Theme of your Materials- What health issue are you trying to address? The, overall, health issue will be the same for each individual in this class. Is that clearly stated? Have you showed creativity and attention to detail in developing your health communication materials? Is your concept clearly expressed in your materials? 
Choice of 2 methods: handout, video recording like a commercial, PowerPoint, radio ad.  Be creative, professional and to the point!  
Target Audience: The target audience is the specific audience that your materials are focused on. You must be as specific, as possible with this. Consider age group, gender, and even locale in which your potential target audience may be residing in.
Execution of Materials Development: Materials are composed of original, creative designs using the appropriate channel, or method of communication, to reach your specified target audience.
Grammar/Mechanics: How attractive are your communication materials, in terms of design? Was it clear that much effort was focused on development, design, layout, neatness, and grammar? Is the information that is presented in your materials well supported with appropriately cited sources?
The second part to this is 
(Biological Development in
Understanding Human Development in 
Motor Skills Development)
Here is information on the article list:
Article List (50 points): Please provide a list of 20-25 peer reviewed articles you are planning to use for your final literature project. Please note that this is not a final list of articles for your paper. You may end up finding other articles and/or dropping articles from your list by the time your final literature review is finished. For the purpose of this class, a good literature review will have about 20 to 25 articles. Please look for full text, scholarly articles rather than web sites with information on your topic. The library is an excellent resource for this assignment. If you have difficulty finding articles on your topic even after you consulted with the librarian, let me know. If you must use a web site, please make sure it is a credible site. For example, information from Buzz-feed is not a scholarly source of information. Websites linked to universities or government organizations are more likely to be credible. The article list is worth 50 points and is due on Sunday, June 23, 2024 by 11:59 pm. You can turn this assignment in earlier than the due date.
The outline is simply a tentative outline for your paper. You can use any format you want. 
Please keep the article list and outline on the same document and turn it in as a word document not as a PDF. 

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