PROGRAMME BA (Hons) in Business Studies/Marketing/ International Business Semest

April 2, 2024

BA (Hons) in Business Studies/Marketing/ International Business Semester 6
Assignment Specification
Strategic Management in Practice Klaus Walter
50 %
Not Acceptable
At or before 23:50 on 10/04/2024 (end of week 8)
2,000 words (+/- 10%) (check the Word Count Policy here)
Report – Individual
Assessment instructions:
Imagine you are a successful corporate development consultant and the management team of HEATOPICA plc ask you at the beginning of year 20X3 to provide strategic advice to the company. One of your first tasks is to prepare an analytical report of HEATOPICA’s strategic move in the year 20X2 in comparison to 20X1.
What inference can you make from the development of the company’s activities in the following departments/disciplines:
• Marketing and Sales
• Research & Development • Production
This part of your assignment paper should consist of approximately 1,000 words.
Now use your findings to design a strategic plan for the next five years (starting from year 20X3). Develop a new idea using Ansoff’s growth matrix and argue comprehensibly which measures need to be implemented in the three departments/disciplines.
This second part of your assignment paper should also consist of approximately 1,000 words.
Your assignment paper should be professionally structured including an attention-grabbing title page, a table of contents with page numbers, a conclusion, and references. You might insert tables, graphics, or illustrations.
The assessment covers all five Learning Outcomes as follows:
1) Assess how strategic decisions are made in an organisation
2) Critically reflect on the importance of strategic decisions for a business
3) Evaluate the need for strategic thinking and planning in a changing world
4) Critique how the development of a new strategy impacts on the organisation
5) Embrace different views regarding these disciplines
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Case Study Heatopica;
Case Study
Strategic Management in Practice
Klaus Walter
Turbulent Times at HEATOPICA plc
Table of Contents
Latest news of the day 3 HEATOPICA plc 4 HEATOPICA’s Key Figures of the previous year (20X0) 5 Year 20X1: The challenges of the new management team in its first year 6 Year 20X2: Expansion to a foreign country 10 Year 20X3: New Product Development 13 Year 20X4: Launch of PRO-Topica on the domestic market 18 Year 20X5: Launch of PRO-Topica on the foreign market 22
This case study and its content is copyright of Klaus Walter – © Klaus Walter (2024). All rights reserved.
Any redistribution or reproduction of parts or all the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:
• you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial
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• you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you
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You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Tuesday, 20 November 20X0
Heating Industry News
Edition #10
Turbulent Times at HEATOPICA plc
Latest News of the Day
Klaus Walter reports
The Executive Board is facing changes despite a good performance – Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daniel Burner, explains the new strategy.
According to Daniel Burner “this negative feedback from the analysts was a clear signal for us to act”. The Supervisory Board expects that the new management “will work hard to put HEATOPICA plc back on the path to sustainable growth.” The new management will take over from 01 January 20X1. Only time will tell if the management is able to fulfil these huge expectations.
„The new management team need to initiate the strategic change as soon as possible”
– Klaus Walter –
HEATOPICA’S competitors have not been asleep in recent times and have already started to develop newer and more environmentally friendly generations of condensing boilers.
In addition, more and more consumers are asking for completely new heating technologies based on heat pumps. So there are enough challenges for the new management team to keep up with the competition and achieve a leading market position.
In the past few weeks there have been rumours in the business press that HEATOPICA plc would replace its Executive Board. Today, only a few days after the annual shareholders’ meeting, those rumours were finally confirmed when the Chairman of the Supervisory Board announced the names of the new management team “Just looking at the facts, this change might come a bit surprising “, Daniel Burner, chairman of the Supervisory Board, stated. Based on HEATOPICA’s most recent financial results, one would have to say that the past year was a success. HEATOPICA’s Condensing Boiler, “Topica Classic”, continues to be in high demand. The company’s financial results and market share are roughly in line with those of its competitors.
Why then is the former Executive Board replaced? Daniel Burner states that “the former board was not able to present a satisfactory strategy for sustainable, long-term growth of HEATOPICA plc to the Supervisory Board.” Outdated manufacturing plants with poor ecology standards, a focus on the domestic market, just one distribution channel, and a very conservative marketing mix are just a few of the points that raised questions about HEATOPICA’s long-term development. Several renowned heating industry experts have repeatedly criticized the management for “a lack of vision and economic expertise”. Furthermore, contingency planning for difficult times due to recession, supply chain problems or energy shortages due to wars or unrest was not clearly evident. Most financial analysts also agreed with the above statement.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
The homepage of HEATOPICA plc provides information on the organisational structure of the company:
Research & Development (R&D)
The creative heart of our company beats in the R&D department. We work with leading heating technology scientists to develop new products and to improve the quality of existing products. The finished products are tested intensively to ensure that they meet the high-quality standards we set ourselves.
This is where all the necessary materials and supplies are purchased that are needed to produce the heating systems and to guarantee the smooth running of the business operation.
The assembly of our heating system products takes place in the production department. Our highly qualified production staff guarantee the professional workmanship of the heating systems and a long service life.
Marketing and Sales
Our sales and marketing department is the interface between the clients and the company. This is where client requests are received, processed, and coordinated. The sales department serves as a competent point of contact for questions about our products for customers, retailers and within the company.
All administrative tasks, facility management, accounting, and IT are combined in this area. In addition to hiring and dismissing, our human resource’s function takes care of the topics of further training and motivation of staff.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Current Organisational Chart
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 121 Employees
39 Employees
Purchasing 23 Employees
The product:
The company is currently producing and selling only one product, which is the Topica Classic. The customer base is currently only domestic, and the clients are retailers. So, it is operating in the B2B market.
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures of the previous year (20X0, the year before the new management team took over)
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Planned Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Production 956 Employees
Administration 221 Employees
Technical Data:
Oil condensing boiler – Medium 20 Output 20 kW
Pre-assembled control for an unmixed heating circuit and hot water preparation
Integrated, pre-assembled heating circuit incl. pump Return collector
Single-line oil filter set
Complete pre-wiring of all electrical lines
Current Price: € 3,157
253.00 8.26 152.73
48,378 152.73
48,378 51,000 152.73
© Klaus Walter (2024)
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic EUR/Units
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
Year 20X1: The challenges of the new management team in its first year
General Economic Situation in Year 20X1
The economy is expected to continue performing well in 20X1. Due to strong demand and growth abroad, the willingness of companies to invest is very high. Most experts expect that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will increase by 3 % in real terms and investments will expand by 2 % in real terms. However, it is expected that the cost of living will grow by 2 % and wage and salary growth will stagnate.
High unemployment continues to be a significant issue for most workers. As a result, during a recent collective bargaining session, the employees agreed to accept no real wage increases in exchange for job protection and job creation. Employers agree not to dismiss any employees in production because of the wage freeze. In case the economic situation forces companies to dismiss employees, they will have to pay for additional dismissal costs for every dismissed employee. The weekly working time per employee is reduced to 35 hours (compared to 39 hours previously).
48,378 0 100.8 110.0 1.02 2,079 2,808
152.73 100.60 6.60
18.07 10.57 16.90
8.26 43.49 22.81
22.94 0 -1.87 54.47
© Klaus Walter (2024)
News from the Heating Industry
There are seven serious competitors offering a comparable product. New entrants to the market are not expected. Marketing experts predict that the market is ready for a new generation of condensing boilers with a higher energy rating. Some of the competitors have already started to develop new generations which puts some pressure on HEATOPICA to develop a successor to the original Topica Classic.
A bulk buyer is willing to buy up to 9,000 units of Topica Classic at a price of 2,475 EUR. The management team must decide whether to sell products at such a low price or to focus on their retail clients.
The housing company Easy-Home-Developments publishes an invitation to tender and asks companies to submit bids for an order of 14,000 condensing boilers. Only the company offering the lowest price will be awarded the contract.
Incremental Innovation in Year 20X1
Based on competitive pressure HEATOPICA begin with the development of a successor to Topica Classic (product name “Topica Classic – Gen. 2”). However, before the new product can be launched it needs to be improved in terms of its technology and its ecological footprint, measured by an ecology index. Customers are placing an increasingly higher value on the environmental friendliness of the heating system they purchase (energy usage, possibility to recycle, emissions etc.). The internal experts predict that the production capacity for the new generation will be 55 units per employee per period instead of 50 units per employee per period for the old generation (productivity improvement). The costs for input materials/parts for Topica Classic – Gen. 2 will also be about 10 % less than for the old generation (efficiency improvement).
During Year 20X1 HEATOPICA have the ability to begin the development of Topica Classic – Gen. 2, with the option of launching the product in the following year (Year 20X2). The development will be market-ready when the technology index of the new product reaches 100.0 points. The current technological index of a prototype of Gen. 2 is 80 points. Experts are estimating that reaching the state of a market-ready product is going to take approximately 170 – 180 person-years in development. However, a product launch should only be attempted if the product’s technology and other features are more advanced than those of the older product. Otherwise, the company will face a potentially massive decline in sales.
With the introduction of the new product (Topica Classic – Gen. 2) the old product will be replaced by the new one in the market. Marketing experts think sales will be considerably higher in the period of the relaunch due to the relaunch-effect. The earlier the relaunch, the stronger the relaunch-effect. For delayed relaunches in subsequent years (Year 20X3 or later), the relaunch-effect is less strong.
Furthermore, any tenders that HEATOPICA have won from the previous period will be supplied with the new product (Topica Classic – Gen. 2). The old board of managers already started some research and prototyping on Topica Classic – Gen. 2. The development status of the condensing boiler is as follows:
• Technology index about 80 (indicating the quality level of the product)
• Ecology index about 80 (indicating the environmental sustainability of the product)
• Value analysis index about 90 (indicating the material consumption performance)
During the period in which Topica Classic – Gen. 2 is introduced to the market, the inventory of finished products of the old generation of Topica Classic will be scrapped at the value of production costs. The value will depreciate immediately and be recorded under “Other Expenses” on the Income
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Statement. Any existing inventory of input materials/parts of the old generation of Topica Classic can still be used to produce Topica Classic – Gen. 2. The production data show that Topica Classic – Gen. 2 can be produced at lower costs than the old generation. This is important for the production planning related parts of the strategy.
Analyse and summarise the situation of the company at the end of Year 20X0 (equals the beginning of Year 20X1). Take the following market research report, acquired by the new management from a research institute, into consideration. Identify the indicators with which the so-called marketing mix (4Ps) can be controlled.
Make recommendations for the decision-making in Year 20X1 and discuss in class.
Competitors Price EUR Duplo 3240 Hamber 3150 Margo 3200 HEATOPICA 3157 Prala 3400 Flipper 3199 Sequoer 3100 Adaga 3000
Ø / Sum 3181
Deviation Technology Ecology Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
Sales Units 44291 46979 48378 48378 33480 51522 52851 40000
Revenue Market mEUR Share % 143,50 12,35
147,98 12,74 154,81 13,33 152,73 13,15 113,83 9,80 164,82 14,19 163,84 14,11 120,00 10,33
1,86 -0,97 0,61 -0,75 6,89 0,57 -2,54 -5,68
Index Index
105,81 110,95 105,11 108,79 105,95 111,05 105,32 108,79 105,04 108,79 105,60 111,68 105,95 110,74 104,90 108,79
105,46 109,95
mEUR Employees
7,00 105 8,00 112 8,50 130 6,90 121 7,20 107 9,00 130 6,50 115 6,00 100
7,39 115
faction Index
62,21 61,83 83,74 72,70 53,44 74,81 77,02 77,78
59,19 63,19 63,84 59,56 59,41 65,07 65,03 58,44
The new management has made a couple of strategic decisions during the year 20X1. The following key figures provide an overview of Year 20X1 final numbers.
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures Full Year 20X1
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Bulk Buyer | Topica Classic
Sales Units Revenue mEUR
365879 1161,51
263.00 3.50 142.15
45,000 142.15
42,000 42,000 133.60
0 0
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Requests for Bids | Topica Classic
Sales in 20X1 Units Revenue in 20X1 mEUR Offer for 20X2 EUR Amount to deliver in 20X2 Units
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic EUR/Units
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
Human Resources at the end of Year 20X1
3,000 8.55 3,999 0
45,000 0 100.2 98.7 1.10
1,970 2,976
142.15 88.67 17.32 17.81 10.12
8.23 2.46
3.50 45.48 8.04 263.00
38.53 0 -1.87 54.42
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 121 Employees
124 Employees
Purchasing 23 Employees
Production 903 Employees
Administration 215 Employees
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Market research report 20X1 (Retail Customers)
Other customers in 20X1
Analyse how the strategic decision-making in Year 20X1 has affected HEATOPICA’s situation. Compare the key figures and take the market research reports into consideration.
Develop a SWOT analysis based on the information known so far.
Year 20X2: Expansion to a foreign country
General Economic Situation in Year 20X2
Due to fears about economic overheating, the Central Bank has changed its approach and increased the prime interest rate by 0.5 %-points. Furthermore, the government has recently announced several new spending cutbacks. Due to this sort of restrictive economic policy, the economic research institute predicts a contraction of the economy in the middle of the year. It is estimated that the GDP will decrease by 1 % in real terms and so business investment in the country will decrease by 1 % in real terms as well. As the costs of living will increase by 3 % the average wages and salaries will accordingly increase by 3 %.
News from the Heating Industry
The Association of Heating Manufacturers (AHM) has both bad news and good news. The bad news is that a demand decline of about 10 % is expected in the domestic market. However, the good news is, that this negative development could be partly covered by potential sales to a foreign market. AHM has recently drawn attention to a new, foreign market and recommends starting sales activities there. AHM referred to this foreign market as “market 2”. Market 2 at present is relatively small and is currently expected to only have total volume demand equal to about 10% of the domestic market (market 1). However, experts believe that the foreign market could grow significantly in the coming periods.
The country of market 2 has a different currency than market 1 and this currency is referred to as “FCU” (foreign currency units). At present, the FCU-Euro exchange rate is 0.7 FCU per 1 EUR (EUR/FCU =1.43). The marketing department, though, will be starting immediately with some research and price calculations in the foreign currency. While both, market 1 and market 2, are
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Price EUR 3499 3200 3199 3181 3300 3199 3079 3000
Deviation Technology EcologyAdvertisingSales ForceCustomer Satis-Awareness
Sales Units 39481 47880 55776 42000 40307 41000 51424 40000
Revenue Market mEUR Share % 138,14 12,06 153,22 13,37 178,43 15,57 133,60 11,66 133,01 11,61 131,16 11,45 158,33 13,82 120,00 10,47
9,10 -0,22 -0,25 -0,81 2,90 -0,25 -4,00 -6,46
Index Index
108,96 117,17 108,26 113,19 109,38 117,12 108,05 113,19 107,63 113,19 108,54 118,00 109,10 116,11 107,35 113,19
108,41 115,14
mEUR Employees
8,00 107 8,24 120 8,50 150 7,00 121 7,20 110 7,00 130 8,00 115 6,00 100
7,49 119,13
faction Index
79,51 85,27 80,84 86,72 82,91 88,42 75,69 62,41
61,91 66,27 67,59 61,88 61,47 68,17 68,89 59,87
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Bulk Buyer Units
5000 0 0 0 0 1000 1200 0
Requests for Bids Offer in EUR
2500 0 0 3999 0 2850 2999 0
© Klaus Walter (2024)
looking for the same products, market 1 has delivery priority over market 2. The cost of delivery for market 2 is 75 EUR per unit.
A domestic bulk buyer is currently looking to buy up to 7,000 units of Topica Classic at a price of 2,650 EUR/unit. A foreign governmental agency requests that the competitors tender bids to supply up to 9,000 units of Topica Classic.
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures Full Year 20X2
The management team’s decisions are now showing clear results, particularly in terms of first sales to the foreign market. The following key figures provide an overview of Year 20X2 final numbers which will be considered as a basis for Year 20X3 decision-making.
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Topica Classic | Market 2 (Foreign Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Bulk Buyer | Topica Classic
Sales Units Revenue mEUR
Requests for Bids | Topica Classic
Offer for 20X3 EUR Amount to deliver in 20X3 Units
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units
335.00 19.34 171.68
52,000 171.68
46,547 46,811 152.49
5,453 5,189 19.19 27.38
0 0
3,298 0
52,000 0 99.9 83.9 1.07 1,720
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
Human Resources at the end of Year 20X2
Sales Force Domestic Market = 135 Employees Sales Force Foreign Market = 12 Employees
The analysis of market development is now becoming more complex. Decisions must be made for two retail markets, the bulk buyer business and for submitting a bid for the tender.
Market research report 20X2 (Domestic Retail Customers)
171.68 89.42 12.53 21.37 11.32 37.03 11.26
19.34 63.32
42.51 335.00
26.91 0 -1.87 47.3
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 147 Employees
124 Employees
Purchasing 24 Employees
Production 958 Employees
Administration 229 Employees
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Price EUR
3399 3200 3225 3276 3300 3199 3049 3000
Deviation TechnologyEcology Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis-Awareness Sales
Revenue Market mEUR Share %
117,06 10,33 150,42 13,27 157,48 13,89 152,49 13,45 134,14 11,83 161,70 14,27 140,25 12,37 120,00 10,59
Index Index
94,41 108,59 96,39 90,39 95,62 103,71
104,31 101,08 95,07 101,08 98,55 105,08 89,90 80,00 109,8 117,42
98,01 100,92
mEUR Employees faction Index
8,50 115 89,09 8,24 130 81,39 8,50 135 86,66 7,00 135 72,22 9,00 120 80,03
10,00 135 70,99 14,00 150 80,90 6,00 100 67,38
8,91 127,5 78,58
64,04 34440 68,35 47005 70,13 48831 63,47 46547 63,99 40647 73,02 50547 74,67 46000 60,90 40000
67,32 354017
6,02 -0,19 0,59 2,18 2,93 -0,22 -4,90 -6,43
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Market research report 20X2 (Foreign Retail Customers)
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Price FCU
2450 2300 2350 2346 2365 2240 2134
Deviation TechnologyEcology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis-Awareness Sales Revenue
Market Share %
0 27,05 27,61 27,38 8,37 9,60 0 0
Index Index
94,41 108,59 96,39 90,39 95,62 103,71
104,31 101,08 95,07 101,08 98,55 105,08 89,90 80,00 109,8 117,42
98,01 100,92
Employees faction Index
3,00 11 85,36 2,00 12 84,79 3,00 15 85,11 0,70 12 86,05 2,00 12 85,26 1,50 15 85,96 2,00 10 83,56 0,00 0 82,68
2,03 10,88 84,85
Units mEUR
0 0 5495 18,96 5489 19,35 5453 19,19 1653 5,86 2003 6,73
0 0 0 0
20093 70,09
5,96 -0,53 1,64 1,46 2,29 -3,12 -7,70 0,00
40,75 40,75 43,00 34,90 39,25 41,75 42,75 32,25
Other Customers 20X2
Prepare an overview of the strategic decisions in Year 20X2 and explain how these have affected HEATOPICA’s performance.
Analyse gaps in comparison to the strongest competitor (benchmark).
Year 20X3: New Product Development
General Economic Situation in Year 20X3
As expected, the economy contracted significantly during the second half of the previous year, particularly in the fourth quarter. Although the federal government initiated several programs to support the economy, experts are of the opinion that, at best, the decline is likely to continue for most of the current period, after which things may start to turn around. Overall, experts predict the following for Year 20X3. The GDP will decrease by 0.3 % in real terms and, as a result of this development, investments in the country will decrease by 1.4 % in real terms. The cost of living will increase again by 1.2 %. On the other hand, no further personnel-related cost increases for companies are expected. Wages and salaries will remain stable. However, companies now must pay costs for additional dismissals for every single lay-off.
News from the Heating Industry
The Topica Classic demand in the domestic market is expected to decrease by an additional 10 %. Unfortunately, the demand for Topica Classic in the foreign market has also come to a standstill, and no growth is expected for the current period.
However, the demand for Generation 2 of Topica Classic is expected to strongly increase if there is a minimum technology index of 125.00. Retail clients are looking for more quality here. Products from companies with an accumulated investment of 30 mEUR in R&D will be viewed as the technology leaders in the market. If a company can position themselves as a technology leader, they can anticipate a growth of 2% in market share.
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Bulk Buyer Units
0 00 00 0 3298 00 0 3199 0 2499 00
Requests for Bids Classic Offer in EUR
© Klaus Walter (2024)
There is bad news in terms of logistics costs. The Association of Transport Contractors (ATC) has announced drastic price increases after the federal government introduced a tax specifically targeting the trucking industry.
Bulk Buyer orders are not expected in Year 20X3. However, the City of Whitehill has requested bids to supply up to 50 Topica Classic boilers to be used for various youth centres. Only the competitor offering the lowest price will be awarded the contract.
A new opportunity – “Heat Pumps”
In the heating industry sector, there has been a lot of excitement about a technological breakthrough in the development of heat pumps.
Heat pumps function similarly to refrigerators, which work according to the reverse principle. Heat is extracted from the environment, which is then transferred to the radiators of the building. A small amount of electricity is required for the drive. HEATOPICA plc intends to develop a heat pump to market it alongside the existing Topica Classic under the brand name “PRO-Topica”.
There is a preliminary market forecast available for such a new product. Studies indicate that in Year 20X4 there will be a demand for up to 2,000 – 3,000 units in the domestic market (market 1). The price suggestion ranges from 7,500 to 8,500 EUR per unit. For the Years 20X5 and later, demand growth of more than 50 % per period is expected. From Year 20X5 onwards it will also be possible to sell the new product to the foreign market (market 2). The market volume for PRO-Topica in market 2 in year 20X5 will likely be 5 to 6 mFCU in terms of sales revenue. Experts suggest a price of around 4,900 FCU per unit of PRO-Topica in market 2.
While it is potentially possible to complete the development of the new PRO-Topica in the year 20X3, the product cannot be launched until year 20X4. If there is a shortage of production capacity, the production of Topica Classic has priority over PRO-Topica.
Marketing experts have indicated that the technology and ecology indices for PRO-Topica should be at a minimum of 100 before the product is launched. Otherwise, the product’s (and the company’s) reputation may be damaged. Research and development consultants assume that it will take a development of about 200 person-years over Years 20X3 and 20X4 to achieve a technology index of 100 points and to reach a marketable level.
HEATOPICA’s manufacturing managers look forward to producing a second product. However, they are pointing out that PRO-Topica would need double capacity on the production lines. Also, the productivity of factory staff will be much lower compared to Topica Classic. It is expected that a person working in the factory will only be able to produce 18 units of PRO-Topica per year compared to about 55 units of Topica Classic. So, the Head of Production comes with a good idea: the production of PRO-Topica could be outsourced to a sub-contractor.
Note: PRO-Topica has to be fully developed by HEATOPICA plc first before any external production (outsourcing) is possible. External producers manufacture products according to the construction requirements set by HEATOPICA plc.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Task: Develop a priority list for strategic decisions according to the table below.
Strategic Objective Department KPI In 20X3 Later (tick) (tick)
Marketing & Sales
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures Full Year 20X3
The following executive summary shows the status of the most important key figures at the end of the third year in which the new management team has been in charge of the company. Positive developments can already be derived from the operational and strategic management decisions.
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
337.00 8.08 153.88
45,400 153.88
37,231 43,067 124.35
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Topica Classic | Market 2 (Foreign Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Requests for Bids | Topica Classic
Offer for Year 20X4 EUR Amount to deliver in Year 20X4 Units
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic EUR/Units
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
8,169 4,355 29.53 16.84
3,997 50
47,422 2,022 91.0 100.0 1.12 1,694 2,774
153.88 76.89 22.78 26.99 10.67 16.56
8.08 69.65 12.76
0 -1.87 46.06
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Human Resources at the end of Year 20X3
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 165 Employees
200 Employees
Purchasing 28 Employees
Sales Force Domestic Market = 150 Employees Sales Force Foreign Market = 15 Employees
Compare the production-related indicators of the years 20X1, 20X2 and 20X3. What conclusions can be drawn from the analysis and what strategic measures do you recommend?
How would you assess the current financial situation of the company?
Market research report 20X3 (Domestic Retail Customers)
Market research report 20X3 (Foreign Retail Customers)
Other Customers 20X3
Production 904 Employees
Administration 221 Employees
Competitiors Price EUR
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation %
-0,03 -0,03 1,48 2,74 1,51 7,63 -5,57 -7,72
Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
3250 3250 3299 3340 3300 3499 3070 3000
111,69 122,72 107,39 100,84 106,62 116,72 116,41 111,47 105,52 111,47 118,41 113,71
96,50 91,71 112,25 121,31
109,35 111,25
mEUR Employees faction Index
9,00 140 84,24 8,35 130 85,72 8,50 135 85,54 8,00 150 88,03 9,00 150 87,79
18,00 225 80,73 11,00 130 80,36 6,00 100 68,69
9,73 145 82,64
67,23 41292 69,81 37508 72,58 37922 65,29 37231 65,69 36784 78,89 39228 76,67 36000 61,61 40000
69,72 305965
Revenue Market mEUR Share %
134,20 13,49 121,90 12,25 125,10 12,58 124,35 12,50 121,39 12,20 137,26 13,80 110,52 11,11 120,00 12,06
Competitors Price FCU
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation %
-1,87 2,40 4,49 2,83 0,91
-0,50 -8,27 0,00
Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force
Customer Satis- Awareness
Sales Units
Revenue Market mEUR Share %
31,15 17,76 28,57 16,29 31,20 17,79 29,53 16,84 24,01 13,69 30,93 17,63
0,00 0 0,00 0
2300 2400 2449 2410 2365 2332 2150
3,50 2,10 6,00 1,70 2,00 2,00 4,00 0,00
51,58 49,78 56,33 42,84 46,88 52,86 54,96 34,11
9030 7937 8493 8169 6769 8842
0 0
111,69 122,72 107,39 100,84 106,62 116,72 116,41 111,47 105,52 111,47 118,41 113,71
96,50 91,71 112,25 121,31
109,35 111,25
faction Index
15 60,19 15 79,56 15 80,03 15 81,67 30 59,08 20 54,37 10 53,56
0 83,01
15 68,93
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Bulk Buyer Units
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Requests for Bids Offer in EUR
0 0 0
3997 0 0 0 0
Write down a few points on how the two markets (domestic and foreign) differ. Recommend strategic actions for both markets.
What conclusions can be drawn from the situation on the tender market?
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Year 20X4: Launch of PRO-Topica on the domestic market
General Economic Situation in Year 20X4
After the difficulties of the past two years, the economy finally seems to be improving. It can be expected that the GDP will increase by 2-3 %. However, the costs of living will increase by about 3 %. The unions and the employers have agreed that salaries and wages will increase by 3 % and that the working hours of production employees will be reduced in order to protect and create jobs in the coming year. There will be a freeze on overtime until further notice.
News from the Heating Industry
The market research department comes with good news: The demand for Topica Classic in the domestic market will increase slightly whereas the demand in the foreign market will increase by up to 50%. However, this figure is contingent on the price level of competitors. A bulk buyer wants to buy up to 5,000 units of Topica Classic at a price of 2,500 EUR per unit and a national construction company asks for bid requests for up to 9,000 Topica Classic.
Market research on heat pumps (PRO-Topica) indicates that in Year 20X4 a market volume of around 10% of the market for Topica Classic can be expected. Research further indicates that retailers are willing to pay somewhere between 7,500 and 8,000 EUR per unit.
The Federal Environment Office announces that due to a new environmental law, environmental standards have to be raised significantly. This applies to both products.
When the new management team took over the leadership of the company in the Year 20X1, the vision statement shown below was developed. We are now at the beginning of Year 20X4. Where stands the company now?
What are the challenges for this year and the next one? Note down some bullet points.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Complete the balanced scorecard template to visualise the necessary steps. Insert suitable indicators from the annual key figures and market research reports into the empty fields.
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures Full Year 20X4
Additional indicators are available for the year 20X4. These relate to the newly launched PRO- Topica product.
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR Total Sales PRO-Topica Units Revenue Total PRO-Topica mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Topica Classic | Market 2 (Foreign Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
371.00 7.24 172.29
40,555 147.92 3,086 24.38
32,427 32,305 118.33
8,078 8,200 29.39 13.13
© Klaus Walter (2024)
PRO-Topica | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Bulk Buyer | Topica Classic
Sales Units Revenue mEUR
Requests for Bids | Topica Classic
Sales in Year 20X4 Units Revenue in Year 20X4 mEUR Offer for Year 20X5 EUR Amount to deliver in Year 20X5 Units
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Actual Production Quantity PRO-Topica Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Final Inventory PRO-Topica Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Productivity Index PRO-Topica Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Manufactured PRO-Topica EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold PRO-Topica EUR/Units
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
3,086 3,705 24.38 14.76
0 0
50 0.20
3,549 0
38,533 3,705 0 619 100 98.6 1.16 1 1,800 5,909 2,976 10,903
172.29 91.03 22.44 27.47 13.40 17.95
7.24 74.88 10.39
38 0 -1.87 45.61
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Human Resources at the end of Year 20X4
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 165 Employees
200 Employees
Purchasing 39 Employees
Sales Force Domestic Market = 150 Employees Sales Force Foreign Market = 15 Employees
Market research report 20X4 (Topica Classic Domestic Retail Customers)
Market research report 20X4 (Topica Classic Foreign Retail Customers)
Market research report 20X4 (PRO-Topica Domestic Retail Customers)
Other Customers 20X4
HEATOPICA plc introduced PRO-Topica to the domestic market and most of the competitors launched similar heat pumps. Prepare an executive summary of the PRO-Topica market development.
Production 864 Employees
Administration 258 Employees
Competitors Price EUR
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation %
-2,11 1,45 -1,81 8,25 9,76 3,80 -8,34 -11,01
Technology Ecology Index Index
129,79 135,20 118,39 111,02 118,17 129,37 128,51 121,60 115,97 121,60 132,37 122,03 101,78 103,09 114,70 124,57
119,96 121,06
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- mEUR Employees faction Index
9,00 145 87,00 9,00 137 74,81 8,50 125 79,89 8,00 150 79,08 9,00 150 78,65
14,00 150 76,57 9,00 150 79,85 6,00 100 82,61
9,06 138,38 79,81
Awareness Index
Revenue Market mEUR Share %
155,46 15,05 124,22 12,03 136,57 13,22 118,33 11,46 108,86 10,54 143,80 13,92 130,58 12,64 115,01 11,13
3300 3420 3310 3649 3700 3499 3090 3000
71,55 47110 72,62 36322 76,36 41261 66,52 32427 68,34 29422 82,55 41097 79,75 42260 62,09 38335
72,47 308234
Competitors Price FCU
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation %
-2,38 3,72 -0,38 5,72 8,97 -5,14 -10,51 0
Technology Ecology Index Index
129,79 135,20 118,39 111,02 118,17 129,37 128,51 121,60 115,97 121,60 132,37 122,03 101,78 103,09 114,70 124,57
119,96 121,06
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis-
Awareness Index
60,90 58,08 66,34 49,25 55,17 62,82 65,18 35,64
Sales Units
Revenue mEUR
46,67 36,32 39,92 29,39 36,01 35,60
0 0
Market Share %
20,84 16,22 17,83 13,13 16,08 15,90
0 0
2400 2550 2449 2599 2679 2332 2200
13890 10174 11644
9600 10903 0 0
Employees faction Index
5,00 30 80,24 3,00 22 69,46 6,00 25 77,80 1,70 15 74,45 4,00 30 71,42 3,00 20 73,54 4,00 15 51,88 0,00 0 83,35
3,81 19,63 72,77
Competitors Price EUR
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation %
6,11 10,23 10,23
8,85 10,23 8,87 -54,52 0
Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis-
Awareness Index
71,55 72,62 76,36 66,52 68,34 82,55 79,75 62,09
Sales Units
Revenue mEUR
33,80 23,99 27,20 24,38 29,00 26,78
0 0
Market Share %
20,47 14,52 16,47 14,76 17,56 16,22
0 0
7700 7999 7999 7899 7999 7900 3300
4390 2999 3401 3086 3626 3390
0 0
102,13 98,50 99,75
103,00 103,00 105,40
82,63 80,00
108,07 84,57 98,07
100,52 100,52 107,38
88,32 80,00
Employees faction Index
5,00 145 88,83 3,00 137 87,31 5,00 125 87,75 0,00 150 89,88 3,00 150 88,41 4,00 150 89,66 4,00 150 85,95 0,00 100 84,72
3,43 138,38 87,81
Competitors Bulk Buyer Units
Duplo 535 Hamber 5000 Margo 5000 HEATOPICA 0 Prala 0 Flipper 5000 Sequoer 5000 Adaga 0
Requests for Bids Classic Offer in EUR
3100 0 0 3549 0 3499 3200 0
© Klaus Walter (2024)
The controlling department has submitted further evaluations of key figures from the production department. These can be seen in the following graphs. What conclusions can you draw from the information?
2400 2400
20X3 20X4
Training Budget (€ per Production Staff per Year)
2000 1600
20X1 20X2
60 40 20
Attrition Rate (Number of Production Staff)
53 54 45
20X1 20X2
20X3 20X4
Motivation Index Production Staff
80 64,5 60
71,1 67,4
20X2 20X3 20X4
Year 20X5: Launch of PRO-Topica on the foreign market
General Economic Situation in Year 20X5
The economy continues to grow, but costs increase sharply. Experts currently predict a GDP increase by 1.0 to 1.8 %. The cost of living will rise by 4.5 % and, accordingly, the unions push through a salaries and wages increase by 4.0 %. The over-time limit will be maintained in the current period.
News from the Heating Industry
The demand for Topica Classic in the domestic market will only increase slightly. In the foreign market however, the demand is expected to increase significantly by around 20 – 50%. A bulk buyer is willing to purchase up to 7,000 units of Topica Classic at a price of 2,700 EUR per unit. A governmental organisation is asking companies to submit bids to provide up to 4,000 units of Topica Classic for replacement of boilers in state-owned schools.
There is also good news in terms of the heat pump demand. It is expected that the domestic demand for PRO-Topica will be growing by 50%. Additionally, PRO-Topica can now also be sold in the foreign market. Experts predict that the potential PRO-Topica market volume is to be 40% of the size of the domestic market. A subcontractor offers free capacity for an external production of PRO-Topica. The price per unit is 5,750 EUR for volumes up to 4,999 units and 5,250 EUR above 5,000 units.
Federal Environment Office: Based on recent inspections, one of the company’s purification plants for industrial waste needs to be repaired. As a result, the company will face one-time “other costs” of 6.0 mEUR in the current period.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Discuss measures to achieve the goals set out in the vision 20X5. Distinguish between internal and market-driven actions and summarise them in a table.
HEATOPICA’s Key Figures Full Year 20X5
Additional indicators are available for the year 20X5. These relate to the sales activities of PRO- Topica in the foreign market.
Share Price EUR Net Profit mEUR Revenue Total mEUR
1. Market
Total Sales Topica Classic Units Revenue Total Topica Classic mEUR Total Sales PRO-Topica Units Revenue Total PRO-Topica mEUR
Topica Classic | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Topica Classic | Market 2 (Foreign Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
PRO-Topica | Market 1 (Domestic Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
PRO-Topica | Market 2 (Foreign Market)
Sales Units Planned Sales Units Revenue mEUR Market Share %
Bulk Buyer | Topica Classic
Sales Units Revenue mEUR
432.00 12.07
42,804 165.59 5,619 51.52
32,259 35.305 124.00
10,545 12,117 41.58 14.59
3,845 4,073 34.76
1,774 1,546 16.76 24.77
0 0
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Requests for Bids | Topica Classic
Offer for Year 20X6 EUR Amount to deliver in Year 20X6 Units
2. Production
Actual Production Quantity Topica Classic Units Actual Production Quantity PRO-Topica Units Final Inventory Topica Classic Units Final Inventory PRO-Topica Units Utilization of Staff % Utilization of Production Lines % Productivity Index Index Productivity Index PRO-Topica Index Cost of Goods Manufactured Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Manufactured PRO-Topica EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold Topica Classic EUR/Units Cost of Goods Sold PRO-Topica EUR/Units
3. Cost Structure
Revenue mEUR Cost of Goods Sold mEUR R&D Costs mEUR Sales Costs mEUR Administration Costs mEUR Operating Income mEUR Return on Sales %
4. Performance Indicators
Net Profit mEUR Equity mEUR Return on Equity % Share Price EUR
5. Finance
Final Cash Balance mEUR Overdraft Loans mEUR Interest expenditures mEUR Debt Ratio %
Human Resources at the end of Year 20X5
Sales Force Domestic Market = 150 Employees Sales Force Foreign Market = 15 Employees
3,998 0
46,323 0 3,519 0 100.0 97.7 1.14 1.04
2,061 0 3,216 9,032
217.11 118.12 23.04 31.05 16.20 28.69 5.56
12.07 84.95 16.12
59.25 0 -1.87 43.86
Executive Board
Marketing and Sales 165 Employees
200 Employees
Purchasing 51 Employees
Production 866 Employees
Administration 297 Employees
© Klaus Walter (2024)
Market research report 20X5 (Topica Classic Domestic Retail Customers)
Competitors Price EUR
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
74,38 43897 74,49 36306 78,23 43228 67,75 32259 70,13 36135 85,30 37491 81,34 44906 62,41 37884
74,25 312106
Revenue Market mEUR Share %
153,64 14,15 132,52 12,20 146,93 13,53 124,00 11,42 130,09 11,98 146,18 13,46 138,76 12,78 113,65 10,47
3500 3650 3399 3844 3600 3899 3090 3000
144,33 9,00 175 120,91 9,30 155 138,00 8,00 135 130,99 8,00 150 130,99 9,00 150 136,11 15,00 180 114,18 8,00 150 127,71 6,00 100
130,4 9,04 149,38
83,61 77,26 85,54 85,30 80,67 80,64 83,03 72,21
0,06 141,73
4,35 129,39 -2,82 130,19 9,90 137,37 2,92 126,42 11,47 141,61 -11,66 107,06 -14,23 117,15
mEUR Employees faction Index
Market research report 20X5 (Topica Classic Foreign Retail Customers)
Market research report 20X5 (PRO-Topica Domestic Retail Customers)
Market research report 20X5 (PRO-Topica Foreign Retail Customers)
Other Customers 20X5
Competitors Price FCU
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
Sales Units
Revenue Market
2400 2741 2499 2921 2679 2899 2200
144,33 120,91 138,00 130,99 130,99 136,11 114,18 127,71
5,00 60 4,00 30 4,00 35 2,00 15 4,00 30 5,00 51 4,00 15 0,00 0
4,00 29,5
86,17 71,61 82,95 73,04 76,56 58,20 54,89 83,68
68,61 66,11 73,28 55,92 63,00 72,40 73,50 36,90
11125 14863 15772 10545 11843 14390
0 0
-8,39 141,73 4,62 129,39 -4,61 130,19 11,49 137,37 2,26 126,42 10,65 141,61 -16,03 107,06 0 117,15
Employees faction Index
36,05 55,00 53,21 41,58 42,83 56,32
0 0
Share %
12,65 19,30 18,67 14,59 15,03 19,76
0 0
Competitors Price EUR
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Deviation Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
Sales Units
Revenue Market
Flipper 12999 Sequoer 7599 Adaga 0
Ø / Sum 8795
7850 8000 7999 9041 8075
119,85 88,99 108,33 109,27 109,27 119,24 96,34 80,00
5,00 175 3,00 155 4,00 135 0,80 150 3,00 150 6,00 180 4,00 150 0,00 100
3,69 149,38
83,81 78,75 80,18 73,61 85,76 69,50 30,28 85,22
74,38 74,49 78,23 67,75 70,13 85,30 81,34 62,41
3144 4129 5404 3845 4680 1425 1000
-10,74 112,7 -9,04 109,00 -9,05 110,6
2,80 112,6 -8,18 112,6 47,8 115,8 -13,6 85,27 0 80,00
Employees faction Index
24,68 33,03 43,23 34,76 37,79 18,52
7,60 0
Share %
12,36 16,55 21,65 17,41 18,93
9,28 3,81 0
Competitors Price FCU
Duplo Hamber Margo HEATOPICA Prala
Flipper Sequoer Adaga
Ø / Sum
Deviation Technology Ecology
Advertising Sales Force Customer Satis- Awareness
Sales Units
Revenue Market
5900 6250 6099 6998 6200 9628 5650
119,85 88,99 108,33 109,27 109,27 119,24 96,34 80,00
2,00 60 2,00 30 2,00 35 0,40 15 3,00 30 2,00 51 2,00 15 0,00 0
1,91 29,5
82,74 76,43 77,74 81,25 83,75 86,92 84,31 83,68
68,61 66,11 73,28 55,92 63,00 72,40 73,50 36,90
0 1372 1740 1774 1621 879 0 0
-11,61 112,7 -6,37 109,00 -8,63 110,6 4,84 112,6 -7,12 112,6 44,24 115,8
-15,36 85,27 0 80,00
Employees faction Index
0 11,58 14,33 16,76 13,57 11,43 0 0
Share %
0 17,11 21,18 24,77 20,05 16,89 0 0
Competitors Bulk Buyer Classic Units
Duplo 0 Hamber 4559 Margo 0 HEATOPICA 0 Prala 7000 Flipper 0 Sequoer 0 Adaga 0
Requests for Bids Classic Offer in EUR
3400 0 0 3998 0 3999 3200 0
In 20X5, HEATOPICA plc successfully launched the PRO-Topica product on the foreign market, thereby achieving market leadership. Four other companies are the competitors here. Discuss possible threats and risks that the company could face in this market in the following years.
© Klaus Walter (2024)
2400 2400 2400 2000
Training Budget (€ per Production Staff per Year)
20X1 20X2
20X3 20X4 20X5
60 40 20
40 41
Attrition Rate (Number of Production Staff)
53 54 45
20X1 20X2
20X3 20X4 20X5
80 60 40 20
71,1 55
67,4 66,5
20X4 20X5
Motivation Index Production Staff
20X1 20X2 20X3
The available data can now be compared with the Vision 20X5 and a new strategic plan must be drawn up. Discuss what a vision 20X9 could look like. Will it have the same focus? Which indicators, if any, would you no longer consider and which, if any, would you add? Consider the development of the company over the last 5 years.
© Klaus Walter (2024)

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