Professor instructions: “In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Raoul Duke and his a

May 16, 2024

Professor instructions: “In Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Raoul Duke and his attorney, Dr. Gonzo, travel to Las Vegas on an extended trip to cover two news stories, but they spend most of their time in a drug-fueled haze searching for the American dream and ruminating on the demise of the 1960s counterculture movement.  Or were they?  As the novel was written in first person—with an unreliable narrator under the influence of a cocktail of uppers, downers, and hallucinogens in control of the storyline—it can be quite confusing to piece together Duke’s true motives.  In fact, he may not have even realized them himself.
For our third essay, I pose to you one question:  did Raoul Duke find the American Dream?  If you believe that he did explain what it is and what he found, and if he didn’t explain why (assuming, of course, that he was really looking for it at all).  Also, please remember that, in order to discuss such a nebulous concept as the American Dream, please remember that some general research must be done to put the idea of it into a proper context.  In the end, this is primarily a debate paper, and you are attempting to convince the audience of the legitimacy of your thesis.
Of course, you will need to provide evidence from the text to support your arguments, and this evidence must follow the MLA guidelines for citing a novel featuring parts and chapters.”
My instructions: follow the instructions given by the professor. You should be arguing that the american dream was not found. Make sure to include citations from the novel and also write about what the american dream is. the link to the novel is

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