Previously, you chose a policy area listed on the website of the Center for Resp

April 30, 2024

Previously, you chose a policy area listed on the website of the Center for Responsive Politics (
Links to an external site.).
For this report, you can choose the same policy area or change to
another one. In this report, explore the organizational issues facing
two prominent interest groups in your policy area using information
provided by the Center for Responsive Politics and obtained elsewhere.
These groups do not have to be the ones you examined before. In
particular, answer the following questions.
What is your chosen policy area? Which interest groups do you
examine? What is the nature of their members—individuals or
organizations, or both? As far as you can investigate, how do these
interest groups motivate individuals or organizations to become and stay
members? What kinds of benefits do they offer members? Be sure to
discuss this, at least in part, from the perspective of members, and
engage with the assigned article by Jack Walker (1983).
Looking at these groups’ teams of lobbyists over the last several
years, did they hire in-house lobbyists, contract lobbyists, or both?
Discuss how you classify these lobbyists into the right category. Are
any of these lobbyists “revolving-door lobbyists” and, if so, what kinds
of career histories do they have in government? Based on a discussion
of the groups’ lobbying goals, why did they hire lobbyists with such
career histories?
Write your response in an essay 4-5 double-spaced pages long, using a
standard font type such as Times, a 12-point font size, and 1-inch
margins. Cite sources using a standard citation style (for example, the
Chicago style), and use both in-text citations and a list of references
appended to the end of the essay. The list of references is not included
in the 4-5 pages allowed. While there is no minimum required number of
sources cited, the failure to cite sources for factual and argumentative
claims constitutes plagiarism. For more specific criteria, consult the
attached rubric.
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