Post 1 Response: Identify a topic of interest from the Week 3 Assigned Reading U

May 18, 2024

Post 1 Response:
Identify a topic of interest from the Week 3 Assigned Reading
Use ProQuest or LexisNexis (no other sites are to be accessed) to research that topic
Look for sources that
Contradict the textbook’s information on that topic
Expand the textbook’s information on that topic
Select one source that meets the scholarly source, primary authority, or secondary source criteria
Do not restate, summarize, outline, or paraphrase the textbook
Begin your post with the topic you chose (no more than one sentence)
Draft an original 150-word to 250-word summary of your source
The post must be conversational, not a sermon or lecture
Provide a properly formatted citation that meets APA or Bluebook criteria
Due by Sunday of Week 3
Chapter 4&5
Book: Title: Tort Law
Author: J. Stanley Edwards, Traci Cull
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN Code: 9780357454916
ISBN Code 2: 9780357454916

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