(POSC 325) Analyzing past peace agreements paper.  Students will be assigned a 4

April 24, 2024

(POSC 325) Analyzing past peace agreements paper. 
Students will be assigned a 4-5 page paper analyzing a past peace agreement, based on analysis of primary and secondary material.  
Students will be assigned  the following past peace agreement
(1993 PLO-Israel Oslo Agreement ) 
Students will analyze, from both Arab and Israeli perspectives, how the peace agreement was achieved and how it has succeeded and/or failed since.
“Past peace agreement” paper guidelines 
Write a 4-5 page (double-spaced, 12 pt. font) paper reviewing the (1993 PLO- Israel Oslo Agreement)
Your paper should address each of the following:
1. Describe the immediate lead-up to that conflict or negotiation.  In doing so, address the role of Israel, Palestinian Arabs, other involved Arab nations, Western powers – U.S., U.S.S.R. or Russia, European Union or Britain, France, Germany, etc., and the United Nations.   What were the specific precipitating events – i.e. who invaded, moved troops, initiated the negotiations, etc.?  (1 – 1.5 pages)
2. What were the big issues at stake?  Here you should discuss any of the following that are relevant: land/borders, security/war, conflict among world powers (cold war? Post-cold war?) religion, refugees, and Jerusalem.  (about .5 – 1 page)
3. What were the immediate and long-term outcomes? – again focusing on land/borders; security/war; conflict among world powers; religion; refugees and Jerusalem.   (.5 – 1 page)
4. What are the likely differences in the Israeli, Palestinian and/or other Arab nation narratives (Egypt, Jordan, etc.)?  How do you think the U.S. and other world powers might have seen it differently?  (1 – 1.5 pages)
At the end of your paper, either as part of or as a separate section to your discussion of the different narratives, feel free to offer your own views.  Here you should comment on how you see the causes or pre-conditions of the conflict, the resolution of the war or negotiations, and the significance of these events in the development of today’ Arab-Israeli conflict. Here you may identify with one or the other leading narratives if you choose, or offer your own views. (.5 – 1 page)
Additional notes:
Students should NOT see this as a research paper.  Instead, use course-assigned readings as the basis for addressing the above points/questions.  Seek to present the conflict or negotiation as clearly and objectively as possible, then thoughtfully articulate the differing narratives.
Formatting should be – 12 point font; double-spaced; parenthetical citations (yes, even of your course materials); using American Political Science Association (APSA) formatting.  For details on how to properly use APSA citation and reference formatting, see the following: 
The online APSA style manual is below for your reference. 
WRITER NOTE:  Below are several sources for you to utilize for the paper of the 1993  PLO – Israel Oslo Agreement, please see attached the lecure below and i have included the APSA formatting manuel as the paper should be guided by that and paranthical citations. 
Oslo Unfilfilled Video Lecture ( Link below)  IMPORTANT SOURCE 

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