POS 4275 – Final Prompt Write a strategy memo to the opposite party from the one

June 16, 2024

POS 4275 – Final Prompt
Write a strategy memo to the opposite party from the one you are in, or, if you’re an NPA, the party you least like. The goal is to learn to think like your opponent (not enemy; our enemies don’t live in this country). The Ds are always trying to beat the Rs and vice versa…so they have to outstrategize them…just like in any board game or in real life.
You’re assignment is to write a memo to the DNC/RNC or President Biden or Trump, or Fla Dem Party (FDP) or Repub Party of Fla (RPOF), or one of the Congressional/Senatorial Committees and give them advice on how to win. What does Trump or Biden need to do/or not do to win? What do the Dems in the US House need to do to filp the chamber and make Hakeem Jeffries the Speaker or what do the Repubs need to do in the US Senate to flip the chamber and make The Turtle or his successor the new Chuck Schumer? Or how does Schumer and the Dems hang onto power in the Senate? How does RPOF continue to dominate Fla politics/how does our friend and triple Gator, Nikki Fried, lead FDP to start chipping away towards becoming the majority party again in Florida?
Shoot me an email with your ideas and let’s find something interesting for you to write a strategy memo about.
Specs – double space, 1” margins, number your pages, Word limit – 1750 words including references, footnotes, etc.

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