Popular media (newspaper, magazine, radio, television, websites) often times pub

May 6, 2024

Popular media (newspaper, magazine, radio, television, websites) often times publish synopsis of some scholarly research. Popular media present the findings in a way that their audiences would understand. For instance, NPR posted the findings of a recent research that linked the negative review of yankee candle reviews and potential surge of COVID. The objective of this assignment is to encourage you to look for the research published in popular media and critique those research using the research literacy you are developing in this class. For this assignment, create a one page document addressing the following items:
Find an article/story from popular media that published findings of a scholarly research. Give the detailed citation information of the article.
Give a brief summary of the article highlighting the research findings.
Find the original article and link the article so that I can retrieve and read it.
Give a detailed description of the methodology used in the research.
Give your own evaluation/critiques/of the methodology. 

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