Please write a response between 10-14 lines in 12pt font question #1 If you join

April 16, 2024

Please write a response between 10-14 lines in 12pt font
question #1 If you join a lab and are asked to perform a reaction using a chemical called Butyl Lithium and it’s brand new, assuming its manufactured well do you need to titration the brand new reagent? If you come into lab and find your lab-mate uses all of that reagent and now you have to use a 3 year old bottle Butyl Lithium (butyl lithium definitely will decompose over a few years) should you titrate this reagent now? What are you trying to find when a titration is performed?
Please write a response between 10-14 lines in 12pt font.
question#2 We learned about several types of lipids in chapter 15 ( fatty acids, steroids, waxes, Triacyiglycerots, Glycerophospholipids Sphingolipids. Please list these different types of lipids and highlight the differences and similarities between each of the different types of lipids.

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