Please watch this 4 Minute Youtube Video:

May 6, 2024

Please watch this 4 Minute Youtube Video:

When creating in-text citations for media that has a runtime, such as a movie or podcast, include the range of hours, minutes and seconds you plan to reference, like so (00:02:15-00:02:35).
Consider the genre, theme, tone and setting(s) of the primary text (“Friendos”). Reading the video as a text, analyze the thesis of the clip and construct your own thesis.
Introduce your primary source (the SNL video “Friendos,” and include all pertinent information with a thesis (using the How to Write an Introductory Paragraph handout). Use your notes from class!
Outline the video’s sections and story arch; indicate the time-stamp of the textual evidence to support your claims.
Framing: begins as a typical rap music video: the club, peacocking men, women dancing, champagne in buckets of ice, etc.
When is the audience introduced to the actual topic of the video (Therapy)? Aggression Breakthrough, Group Hug and Growth follow.
Choose an umbrella term and give three supporting points for its function within the realm of the video’s action. Who are the characters and how do they interact with one another? How are women portrayed (and juxtaposed) in the dialogue as well as visually?
Additional analysis: after a surface reading, analyze a more nuanced social commentary within the video clip such as Toxic Masculinity, Feminism, Consumerism, and/or Mental Health. Example: the use of the word “bitch”: consider how it is used, gendered, and diffused within the source. Why, do you think, the writers’ chose to incorporate this loaded few seconds of exchange in such a short (four minute and twenty second) sketch?
Minimum 300 words

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