Please watch the short documentary below on a sexual assault victim and the subs

June 21, 2024

Please watch the short documentary below on a sexual assault victim and the subsequent aftermath of the assault. Afterward, please write a short paper (4-6 double-spaced pages) in which you respond to the following, using evidence from the film and course materials. 
Summarize the incident that occurred at the sleep-over. How did the police respond? Why?
Summarize the recurrent victimization that Rehtaeh endured. What typology of recurring victimization best describes this and why?  Discuss any risk factors that may have enhanced the likelihood of being Rehtaeh being re-victimized.
Summarize the physical, psychological, and behavioral consequences of the victimization as experienced by Rehtaeh.
Was there any evidence of vicarious victimization? Why or why not?
Why did the criminal justice system get involved in the case? Do you think the charges matched the seriousness of what had occurred? Why or why not? 
Assignment 2 Documentary link –

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