Please use the sources I’ve provided to answer each question thoughtfully. Inclu

April 24, 2024

Please use the sources I’ve provided to answer each question thoughtfully. Include citations. Each answer should be (at least) one fully-developed paragraph, but you are welcome to contribute as much as you feel is necessary to make your point. More important than the length, each post needs to be a thorough contribution to the discussion. These posts MUST represent a sincere contribution to the discussion and/or a genuine attempt to address your classmate’s questions. I would also like to see some attempt to integrate course materials (e.g., key concepts or examples from the readings, lectures, or videos) into your response when applicable. 
Each response:
Be sufficiently developed and an appropriate response to the prior post.
Avoid redundancy. If a question has already been answered or a point made, replicating the previous content (or simply stating agreement) is not a sufficient contribution.
Demonstrate that significant effort has been made to integrate various course materials into the answer. (These means that you should refer to specific readings/videos and make an effort to use key course concepts and themes in your answers). 

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