Please use cite reference from book American Politics and the African American Q

June 30, 2024

Please use cite reference from book American Politics and the African American Quest for Universal Freedom
American Politics and the African American Quest for Universal Freedom : Hanes Walton, Robert C. Smith, Sherri L. Wallace – Book2look
This week we were introduced to the theory of African American coalition politics. Beginning with the abolitionist movement of the 18th century, African Americans have had to build partnerships to achieve their goals of universal freedom. We examined and were introduced to a PLETHORA of African American social movements. For this week’s discussion, I want us to do a comparative analysis of previous African American social justice movements and the Black Lives Matter movement. Specifically, identify methods, ideologies, theoretical frameworks (if any) that Black Lives Matter has adopted from previous African American social movements in their quest for African American freedom. Remember to cite the readings in your response. Feel free to incorporate outside sources as well. 
In chapter 6, we learned that rights-based coalitions and objectives have received higher priority and have been more successful for African Americans in their quest for “universal freedom” in comparison to material-based coalitions or objectives. In chapter 7 we were introduced briefly, to Black nationalist organizations, who were among the first to advocate for some form of reparations as remuneration for African Americans being enslaved. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Sheila Jackson Lee and the late John Conyers, have filed H.R. 40 in the U.S. House of Representatives every year since 1989. However, beginning with the 2016 presidential election, the topic of reparations has become prevalent in mainstream Black politics, and it’s an issue that has remained in the lexicon of candidates (Black and white) running for office seeking the Black vote. 
So my question is, given what we have learned from the previous chapters (6 & 7 specifically), what is the likelihood of the movement for reparations being successful? Remember to include history on the successes of rights based coalitions and material-based coalitions in your analysis. 

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