Please submit an 8-12 pages paper, in double space, comparing the key themes, ar

May 3, 2024

Please submit an 8-12 pages paper, in double space, comparing the key themes, arguments, and methodology in 
Steel’s Digital Black Feminism e Power and Fragility of Networked Protests.
The review should be more than a summary of each of the two books.
You should identify and discuss the authors’ key argument(s) and comment on each author’s scope, methodology, and research methods.  
The writing should be clear, concise, and accessible to grammatical and other mistakes.  
This review should not be a mere summary of each book. You should
1) have a clear introduction and conclusion summarizing your review (5%).
2)You should outline the content of each chapter briefly (5%), 
3)identify and discuss the key argument(s) the authors are making (5%), 
4)and comment on the methodology and research methods each author used (5%). 
5)Importantly, you should use a comparative analysis of the content of the two books (7%).
Your review must demonstrate and reflect your knowledge of some of the theories and themes we discussed during the semester (5%).
Your writing should be clear, concise, and accessible of grammatical and other mistakes (3%).

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