-please see instructions in files section (read carefully) -please see grading r

May 7, 2024

-please see instructions in files section (read carefully)
-please see grading rubric in files section
-no plagarism
-please see draft assignment
TITLE – Be sure to have a clear, compelling title that attracts readers and interest in your plan. INTRO – This is okay, but it would be more effective to directly focus and emphasize your plan rather than sport outreach in general. TARGET – This is vague. Your write about “the local community” but I don’t see the actual targeted community established. MISSION AND VISION STATEMENTS – These are wordy and there seems to be a great deal of overlap between the two statements. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE & STAFFING – This generally looks good. Note, if the organization is going to be a nonprofit, there are minimal structural requirements that must be met. FUNDING NEEDS AND PLAN – This works generally. It isn’t clear what funding is needed and if what you propose aligns with it and the mission and vision. PROGRAMMING & ACTIVITIES – This is very light. It is necessary to establish activities that serve as the platform for ministry. EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP CONCLUSION/WRAP UP For your final draft you must indicate the changes and revisions you made. The best way to go about that is: First – Turn on “track changes” before editing your work. That should mark your changes in red with lines through words you took out and the words you added will be in red. Save the marked-up file under one file name. Second – Save the file you are working on under another name and accept all of the changes so that there are no markings on your submission and everything is clean. That will be your final version. Third – Prepare a separate log of the changes you made. For each change indicate where it can be found in your final plan, the nature of the change, and why you made the change. Do this however you best feel you can communicate the where, what, and whys of your changes. Submit all three files with for your final assignment. Doing this properly carries the heaviest weighted portion of your final submission grade as it is impossible or someone to review and re-grade your revised work without you providing appropriate guidance.

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