please respond to these two discussion posts. please include something you might

May 5, 2024

please respond to these two discussion posts. please include something you might have learned, make a comment about the post, what you liked, and or ask a question to further conversation.  each response should be around 120 words. 
When I hear the term “good student” I think of someone who outwardly everyone looks up to as a role model. Always getting the best grades, giving smart answers, is in various sports and has lots of friends. But on the inside, he almost always feels tired, not wanting to hang out with friends because he is doing everything right in school. I believe that the good student is someone whose goal is to meet the expectations of someone or several to be recognized as the best.
The abstract term “good” literally means “Something in which a positive value is recognized”. (Editorial, Team, 2016). Concretely it is a person that acts in accordance with what is good. Always being useful for what is needed. “Good” students always complete all assignments on time and in order. They get very good grades. They are recognized for being on the honor roll. Their decisions are focused on being the best, doing impeccable and recognizable work, getting along well with teachers, and applying themselves in sports to make a good resume. Their values are cooperation, self-discipline, creativity, responsibility, respect, empathy, and honesty. 
My strengths as a student are being organized and responsible with my class work. When a friend needs help, I explain to him, so he understands. And at exam time I study hard to get a good grade. When I was in second semester in high school I had a physics exam, and I studied hard and paid attention in class, and when the teacher was giving out grades, she looked at me and told me that I got a ten. I felt very proud and happy because they said it was hard. 
A good student. A good student is what some may consider naturally intelligent, the one who knows everything or likes to study. These students consistently participate in class, get perfect test scores, and do perfect work all the time, with some saying that these students are the teacher’s favorite.
As a kid, I used to be what some may consider a good student; I was top of my class, and I never struggled with any of my assignments, but as I grew, this changed, and suddenly, I was struggling with some of my classes and getting lower grades on my test. Suddenly, I thought I was a bad student because I was not perfect in all courses as before, but being a good student is not about just being perfect in everything; it’s about always doing my best in all classes and asking if I ever struggled, it’s about helping my classmates in what I can and always trying to improve my knowledge. Ultimately, you don’t have to be perfect to be a good student. You must do what’s best for you and remember that everyone has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, and what works for others doesn’t mean it needs to work for you.

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