please read attached essays Your final research is an 7-10 page (roughly 2400-2

May 7, 2024

please read attached essays
Your final research is an 7-10 page (roughly 2400-2500 words) double-spaced paper (excluding cover and Works Cited/Reference). Students are to adhere to size 12 font in Arial, Times New Roman or similar font, with 1” pagination. Keep in mind that your instructor’s directions must primarily be followed.
This paper is well-revised for proper use of documentation and other elements of writing well addressed throughout the course. It reflects your stance/claim on an issue with embedded expert views.
For further formatting help, check links here, from your text, or HCCC library for more specifics.
Using MLA Format
Using APA Format
Name, course, date or semester, instructor’s name—upper left hand corner (size 12 font)
Title is centered (with larger font—16-20) and should be reflective of your issue; you may include a picture, but it must directly relate to your topic.
After 2-3 line spaces, begin your Abstract. Bold and left flush the word ABSTRACT.
Beneath the word ABSTRACT, summarize what was done and discovered in your research. Consider referring to your Proposal but write using past tense. For instance: “this paper examined the effects of global warming in North America. During research, I discovered that…”
Write the Abstract in single space (this will all comfortably fit on the cover)
The numbering of your final paper begins after cover. In Word, select Header and Footer, choose upper right, with your last name only and page numbers.
please see attached proposal and draft

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