Please organize by the following prompts; with the main focus being San Bernardi

July 10, 2024

Please organize by the following prompts; with the main focus being San Bernardino community college district
1. Pick an Organization:  san Bernardino Community College district 
for which you will develop a strategic plan. This could be government agency or
anon-profit organization.
2. Environmental Analysis:
Identify some internal and external threats
and opportunities of the chosen organization.
Internal Analysis: Evaluate the
organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Could include financial resources, operational
capabilities, governance structure, or culture.
External Analysis: Analyze the
organization’s operating environment. Utilize appropriate analytical tools such
as SWOT analysis.
3. Vision, Mission, and Values:
Develop a vision statement that defines the organization’s
Write a mission statement that outlines the purpose, values, and
core activities of the organization.
Define a set of core values that guide the organization.
4. Strategic Goals and Objectives:
Based on the environmental analysis and organizational vision,
mission, and values, establish strategic goals and SMART objectives
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).
Ensure alignment between the goals and the organization’s vision and
5. Strategic Initiatives and Action
Identify strategic initiatives and action plans to achieve the
established goals and objectives.
Develop detailed plans outlining the tasks, timelines, responsible
parties, and resource requirements for each initiative.
6. Implementation and Monitoring:
Discuss how the strategic plan will be implemented within the
Propose a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the progress
of strategic initiatives.
Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of
the strategic plan.
7. Conclusion:
Offer a short reflection summary of the strategic planning process
and lessons learned from assignment.

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