Please make a discussion post related to the weekly content. For each post, be s

May 8, 2024

Please make a discussion post related to the weekly content. For each post, be succinct (use no more than 75 words) and professional. Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.

Correlations are most often used when the variables are continuous. This week, we are learning how categorical variables can be incorporated in correlational analyses. Please reply to one of the following in your discussion post:

Share and discuss an outside resource such as a link to a video, website, or scholarly article that discusses the use of categorical predictor variables in multiple regression analysis. Why did you pick this to share?
Identify a research question from your professional life or research interests that could be addressed with dummy predictor variables in multiple regression. Explain how you would dummy code your predictor variable.
If your friend was designing a study for their dissertation and said they wanted to include a categorical variable as a predictor variable, what advice would you give them?
Ask any questions you might have about this week’s content.

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