please do not us AI professor could detect. TOPIC: Black Geography In this ass

April 28, 2024

please do not us AI professor could detect.
TOPIC: Black Geography
In this assignment students will complete an
annotated bibliography on their selected topic.
Each paper should include:
A one line header with the student’s name and chosen topic
10 Sources (in APA format) that relate to that topic. Only one source may be from the course materials.
Two paragraphs of annotation for each source (approximately 200-400 words). Each source should have:
One paragraph describing the major points of the author(s) and intended goal of the source (approximately 100-200 words)
One paragraph that explains the connection of the source to the selected topic. Please explain how and why they matter for your topic! (approximately 100-200 words)
A conclusion at the end that summarizes the major themes in the sources you collected. Tell me what you learned and how the materials fit together to tell a narrative.

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