Please craft a response in 150 words with 1 nursing reference: The topic that I

July 1, 2024

Please craft a response in 150 words with 1 nursing reference:
The topic that I have chosen to research is communication systems used within the hospital and how they affect the ability for nurses to notify providers and other healthcare professionals and better ways to communicate. Would decreasing the number of communication systems offered by the hospital allow nurses to improve communication and notification with other healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes? The hospital that I work for currently offers multiple communication systems that nurses can use to communicate with other healthcare professionals. While this seems like it would greatly benefit nurses and other staff with having this many communication systems, it has caused issues with needing to notify a physician or other healthcare professional of an emergency or other patient issue. Oftentimes, certain physicians prefer to use specific systems of communication and expect nurses to only use that form of communication. This can be difficult for nurses, especially since most patients in the hospital have multiple specialties of physicians following the case. “Through effective communication, informed decision-making, care, autonomy, adherence, survival and involvement in treatment are enhanced and, therefore, patient health outcomes are improved” (Sanchis-Gimenez et al., 2023, p. 12). Communication is one of the most important aspects that nurses must have, and this is greatly affected by the communication systems offered by the hospital that I work for. 

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