Please answer three questions. •1 Illustrate the process of recruitment analysis

July 2, 2024

Please answer three questions.
Illustrate the process of recruitment analysis highlighting the objectives and how the
process is implemented within a football club. Support your answer with concrete examples.
Discuss how objective and subjective data can inform scouting strategies and decision
making, and how these two data sources should be integrated within club recruitment
Explain the reasons behind the relevance of data visualisation in football analytics.
Highlight its role and goals for practitioners and provide concrete examples as illustrated in
the class to support your answer.
• Answer 3 questions only
• The total number of questions is 3
• All questions carry equal marks
• Cross through/delete any material you do not wish to be considered
• No credit will be given for additional questions attempted
The word limit is 750 words per question. 

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