Please answer the following in an proper essay format (with a clear introduction

May 15, 2024

Please answer the following in an proper essay format (with a clear introduction, body-mulitple paragraphys for the body is okay, and conclusion:
“A resulting trust can also arise even if the recipient is unaware of the transfer or of the circumstances in which it was made. Indeed, this is perhaps the commonest case.” Peter Millett, ‘Restitution and Constructive Trusts’ (1998) 114 LQR 399, 401
Critically evaluate the role that intention plays in the creation of resulting trusts.
-absolutely NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used other than the ones provided
-no formal refercing is required, just a brief refernce to the source (e.g. in the textbook by “state authors name” or in the article titled “state article name”)
-IMPORTANT: please use UK case law and statutory acts to answer the question which can be found within the textbook materials and article provided
-SIDE NOTE: the file attached labelled Topic 1(1) pg 366-379 means you only need to include material in the answer from the pages 366-379
-provide counter position when required but come to a conclusion which is the best way to go
– Word count: 1900 words
-absolutely NO PLAGARISM OR AI SOURCES as this will be submitted through turnitin 

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