Please answer each of the following questions with as much detail as possible.  

May 6, 2024

Please answer each of the following questions with as much detail as possible.  Your responses must be defended by the assigned course readings, WHICH ARE ATTACCHED IN PDFS! ONLY USE SOURCES ATTACHED AND CITE THEM IN THE RESPONSE. 
Not all sources have ot be used, just ones that help support the arguement.
Question 1: What is the best way for prison administrators to manage populations of incarcerated individuals?  You must consider incarcerated men and women, prison workers, and the public in your response. Also: you must cite the relevant readings from class.  (30 points)
Question 2: Ask and answer a question directly related to imprisonment in this country. You will be graded on the question that you pose and your response to that question. (30 points)
Question 3: Select the most important reading (one of the pdfs below) from the second half of the semester and explain its importance to understanding incarceration (make sure you explain the main points from the reading in your response and remember this is the reading you think is the most important). (20 points)
Question 4: Argue for the abolition of prisons in the US. (10 points)
Question 5: Argue for expanding imprisonment in the US. (10 points)

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