Please answer both questions in bold seperately!! Agree or Disagree? Why or Why

April 29, 2024

Please answer both questions in bold seperately!!
Agree or Disagree? Why or Why not?
Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) plans are vital components of any organization’s strategy to ensure the continuity of business operations in the event of a disaster. One effective way to maintain access is by securely storing the DR and BC plans in an encrypted format in the cloud. Using a platform like Google Drive allows for secure storage and controlled access. The risk of loss from a sudden-onset disaster is significantly reduced as the plans are not physically stored and can be accessed anywhere (Google, 2024).
Access to these plans can be controlled using the employee’s personal email address account as their login, coupled with two-factor authentication for added security. This method ensures that only authorized individuals can access the plans. In the event of an employee’s departure from the organization, their access to these documents can be quickly revoked in Google Drive, thereby maintaining the confidentiality of the plans (Google, 2024).
All DR and BC team members should be required to sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). This agreement serves as a legal obligation for the team members to maintain the secrecy of the documents, further safeguarding the sensitive information contained in the DR and BC plans (NOLO, 2024).
Google (n.d.). Google Drive Help – Stop, limit, or change sharing. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from
NOLO (n.d.). Sample Confidentiality Agreement (NDA). Retrieved April 23, 2024, from to an external site.
Flexible work arrangements and promoting work-life balance are important in helping individuals adjust after a major regional disaster. During such difficult times, it is essential to provide Employee Assistance programs to support employees’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The emotional toll of a disaster can be overwhelming for everyone, and professional support can greatly aid in the healing process (Freeman, 2022).
Effective communication also plays a crucial role in post-disaster recovery. Maintaining an open communication channel with all employees is essential to keep them updated on the current state of the business and any changes that may be occurring. This transparent approach creates a sense of trust and ensures that everyone is well-informed and aware of the ongoing developments in the business (Freeman, 2022).
Freeman, K. (2022, August 9). Best Practices for Supporting Employees After a Disaster. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from
Agree or Disagree? Why or Why Not?
For many organizations, a major difficulty is balancing the versus and confidentiality of Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) strategies. On the other hand, in the case of a crisis, these plans must be easily available to guarantee prompt response and recovery, and this plans all hold private data that might cause financial harm or jeopardize the company’s competitive edge if competitors or other bad actors were to have access to it.
There is a risk of increased theft, unauthorized access, if this document is to be stored in an unsecured location like the car, office, etc. since break-ins are very common and anyone can lay their hands on sensitive materials. So, it is highly recommended for these sensitive documents to be stored in a more secured location which should be offsite from the actual office location, so that incase there is disaster like fire outbreak, flooding, or cyber breach, authorized personnel can still be able to retrieve the DR and BC plans from the sored location.
It is crucial to regularly examine DR and BC strategies to make sure they are accurate and relevant. Organizations can also evaluate the efficacy of security measures during these assessments and make the necessary modifications to improve confidentiality without sacrificing accessibility.
“Password-protected copies of essential backup plans must be kept anywhere employees might require access to them, just to be safe and by doing so, organizations can make sure that, no matter where the employees are located, they can still locate copies of the plan and respond appropriately when notified of a disaster, without worrying that sensitive information will end up in the hands of people who would misuse it, by password-protecting all electronic files and requiring employees to store physical copies in secure locations”  –  (Whitman & Mattord, 2020).
Also, organizations can ensure there is availability of the data contained in a DR or BC plan while still preserving the confidentiality of this sensitive information by making sure that hard copies of the sensitive information be kept in a safe or secured cabinets to deter theft and unwanted access. Only authorized personnel should be able to enter this physical storage location.
It’s critical for organizations to respond quickly to support and aid in the recovery of its employees following a large regional disaster that impacts the company and its workers individually. The following actions can be taken by an organization:
Organizations should ensure there is effective communication with employees, and ensure they are kept in the loop rough multiple channels, including email, texts, phone calls and physical postings or signage with any response actions and situation occur.
Ensure there is Offer access and info for mental health resources. Team members can continue to experience anxiety, guilt, or depression once things get back to normal. Urging them to use resources for mental health is one way you may support them.
Provide support services and flexible schedules to the workforce. When it’s feasible, organizations should inform their team members about regional and national groups that provide aid to the community. A local relief organization, the American Red Cross, or the Salvation Army are a few examples of them. As they continue to evaluate the effects of the tragedy, providing alternative schedule alternatives like paid sick leave or flex time can be beneficial. – (peopleready, 2024)
There should be a Continuous evaluation and long-term support for employees and as they work through the healing and rehabilitation process.
Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2020). Principles of Incident Response & Disaster Recovery (3rd ed.). Cengage.
(2022). Peopleready, How to Prepare Your Workforce for Weather Events and Other Emergencies, Retrieved April 24th, 2024, from to an external site.

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