Phyllis Smith owns and manages a restaurant in the community, Lucky Horseshoe Re

May 6, 2024

Phyllis Smith owns and manages a restaurant in the community, Lucky Horseshoe Restaurant. Ann Reid lives next door to the restaurant. Ms. Reid filed a complaint with the police department that the patrons of the restaurant are loud and noisy and referred to them as “drunks” and “whores.” Ms. Reid picked fights with the bartender on several occasions and even called him Satan. These encounters happened in the presence of the patrons of the restaurant. Sales dropped 30% and Ms. Smith filed a lawsuit against Reid.
Compose a memo that responds to the following:
Identify and discuss the four sources of primary law and discuss which source of law may be applicable to this case being certain to explain why.
Discuss whether Reid’s statements about the restaurant’s owner, bartender, and customers are protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Evaluate whether Reid behaved unethically in the circumstances of this case. Explain why.
After you have conducted the necessary research, prepare an interoffice memo to the managing attorney of your law firm (use a fictitious name).
Your memo must use the elements of an inter¬office memorandum:
To: (who it will be addressing)
From: (the memorandum will be written by you),
Date: (date in which the memorandum is written),
Re: (what the memorandum is in regard to).
Use Times New Roman or Arial 12-­point font, with 1-­inch- margins.
Your memo be at least 2-­3 pages in length.
Include a minimum of three scholarly and credible sources

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