Personal Aim Statement Instructions Review the National Institute for Children’s

July 3, 2024

Personal Aim Statement
Review the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality page QI Tips: A Formula for Developing a Great Aim Statement
Develop a personal Aim statement for something in your own life (work, school, or personal). The statement should include what, for whom, when, how much, and a full statement.
In a 1- to 2-page paper, elaborate on each component of the statement. You will be tracking your progress throughout this course for a final assignment related to your Aim statement.
Citation: National Institute for Children’s Health Quality. (n.d.). QI tips: A formula for developing a great aim statement.
Date: See due date listed at the top of the assignment page.
Time: By 11:59 p.m. of the assignment due date.
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 1–2 double-spaced pages in length. This does not include the title or reference pages.
Be sure to cite your sources.

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