Performance Management Plan, Part 1 Well-executed performance management program

June 30, 2024

Performance Management Plan, Part 1
Well-executed performance management programs lend to the success of the organization. The goal of this assignment is to design a Performance Management System. Part 1 of the design will allow you to connect HR theory to HR practice by crafting a performance review form for one job type. You will be creating one performance review form for a position of your choice.
The second part of the assignment (Part 2 – Due in Module 5) will allow you to create a Performance Management (PM) Guide for leaders in your selected industry. The PM Guide should include specific elements and recommendations that are necessary based on the        industry of choice.
Create a performance review for ONE job/position of your choosing. Please refer to the detailed requirements listed in the grading rubric and be sure to include all of the required elements.

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