perform a careful, close reading and analysis on the “The Hour of the Star” by C

May 4, 2024

perform a careful, close reading and analysis on the “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice
Lispector  in connection with Postmodernism.   Compare it to her other work “The passion according to g.h” Include a strong thesis.
Both readings attached below! Only use those sources
Include biography of who Clarice Lispector is
define postmodernism in my opinion
How is this story  different from other modernism works
How is Metafiction, Unreliable Narration, and Self-reflection used in the story
Your essay should contain an argumentative thesis statement about the text(s) you have 
chosen. In your close reading and analysis, you should always rely on careful, “close” 
reading of the text to support your point alongside your engagement with other scholars 
writing about some element of the key topic and/or text(s)! Close reading specifically refers to the way we read and write to understand what a passage means. Close reading is 
detailed and thorough: you should not only summarize what you have read in support of 
your specific claim/question/observation, but also look at more subtle choices the author 
makes in a passage (tone, diction, imagery, etc.). 
The essay’s central argument is clear, interesting, and demonstrable.
The essay makes use of specific evidence, close reading, and analysis of one or
more course texts to support the central argument.
The essay’s arguments and central claim reflect a robust and nuanced 
understanding of key ideas from this course.
The essay makes use of specific, rich, and varied evidence to support the 
central argument.
The essay the evidence makes use of always furthers the claims made 
throughout the paper.
Quotations are framed effectively and explicated appropriately in the essay
Ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner throughout 
the paper, with strong topic sentences to guide the reader.
The reader can effortlessly follow the structure of the essay’s 
Your essay should be at least 4 full pages in length, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and adhere to MLA guidelines. You should plan to include at least 3 peer-reviewed sources.

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