perception of statistics has changed from viewing them as daunting and purely ma

July 5, 2024

perception of statistics has changed from viewing them as daunting and purely mathematical to appreciating its role in decision-making and data interpretation.
Your example from your time as a project manager is insightful. It illustrates the importance of looking beyond the mean to understand the distribution of data. The high standard deviation in your customer satisfaction survey highlights how averages can mask underlying issues, leading to misguided strategic decisions.
I’m curious to know more about how you addressed this issue once it was identified. What steps did you take to ensure a more accurate interpretation of the data in future surveys? Did this experience lead to any changes in how your team approached data analysis?
Your thoughts underscore the importance of understanding statistics to avoid misinterpretation and improve strategic planning. I look forward to hearing more about how you continue to apply these insights.

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