Part of the RN’’s responsibility is overseeing the LPN as well as monitoring ne

June 30, 2024

Part of the RN’’s responsibility is
overseeing the LPN as well as monitoring new RN’s and student nurses. As
a nurse, you need to be able to identify safety concerns as well as use
the appropriate technique when performing tasks. Being confident in
performing skill is only half of the competency. The other half is being
competent in the reasoning for the skill being performed the way it
needs to be performed so you can be confident in stopping a procedure if
you see something wrong. Alone, skills are not high-level learning
activities, but reflection can be used to strengthen the application
process and enhance the critical thinking associated with skill
performance.  Answer the following discussion prompts: 
Why is sterile technique the appropriate procedure when inserting a catheter if the perineal area is considered dirty?  
is a nurse-led initiative that helps to minimize the risk of a urinary
tract infection in those with a catheter and how does that initiative
help minimize the risk for infection? 

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