Part 2: Data Collection (ORGL 4341) Identify data from articles, databases, news

June 25, 2024

Part 2: Data Collection (ORGL 4341)
Identify data from articles, databases, newspapers, journals, etc. to support the fact that this is a critical issue.  Find articles related to leadership styles that may best address these challenges (trait, behavioral, contingency, transformational, transactional, or charismatic).
Assignment Submission:
Write your research topic at the top of the page.
Create a list of 8-10 key terms that were used in your research.
Research (LC Database) and identify a list of 15 scholarly sources you may use for this research. List scholarly sources in APA citation format.
Topic: How the influx of immigrants to American border impacts homeland security and border protection.
Key Terms
US/Mexico Border
Border Patrol/Customs
Border crisis
Immigration policy

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