Part 2: A critical review of Power and modern leadership practices using practic

July 5, 2024

Part 2: A critical review of Power and modern leadership practices using practical examples from
business (1,500 words, excluding appendices) & self-reflective piece (500 words). LO2
The second part of the portfolio is an individual critique of Power, Politics and Conflict using examples, students
will show their understanding of power, politics and conflict in relation to organisations, and will also consider
Whilst examining core theoretical areas examples will be used to examine how theory can be applied to help
resolve an organisational issue or conflict.
Self-reflective piece to achieve
This part of the portfolio is an opportunity for students to put themselves centre stage and explore their learning on
the module. They will reflect on what they have learned and evaluate how theory/ models/ questionnaires can
support their professional, academic and personal development. Using examples, they will consider what has
specifically challenged and broadened their thinking. It is an opportunity for creative, individual expression. The
use of a reflective model is expected.   (Kolb reflective cycle) 500 words
Use leadership theories, questioniers is from Northouse book . Please contact me for more information , thank you.

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