Paper Prompt on China’s Future For the following essay, write a five to seven pa

May 14, 2024

Paper Prompt on China’s Future
For the following essay, write a five to seven page paper addressing one of the following prompts. Make sure to incorporate David Shambaugh’s China’s Future as well as the text’s arguments and evidence into your essays and address the main issues raised by the book.  Your essays will be due on May 23rd, 2024 on Canvas by the end of the day.  Please make sure your papers  follow these formatting guidelines:
•    Separate cover page
•    Standard 12 point Font such as Times, Times New Roman, or Helvetica
•    Normally spaced margins and double-spacing
•    Proper form of citation with a works cited page if using outside sources
•    A total of five to seven pages (not including cover page and works cited)
With respect to the four pathways referenced by Shambaugh, what will be China’s pathway? Why would that pathway be the most likely and how would it come about?  In your answer, refer to the economic, social, political, and global reasons why that pathway is the most probable. And explain why the other three pathways are less likely than the one you discuss.  Finally, compare and contrast your analysis with that of Shambaugh to explain how your outcome mirrors or differs from that of the author of China’s Future.   
Why has China not yet become a democracy?  Address the factors and features of China’s polity, society, and economy that explain why China has not adopted a democratic form of government.  What prevents its emergence and formation in China?  What encourages its emergence and formation?  Referring back to the Narrow Corridor, what keeps China outside the corridor?  Why hasn’t a red queen effect taken hold in China as of yet?    In your essay, address both the comparative understanding of democracy and the theory of modernization as well as the present day realities of contemporary China under Xi JInping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.   Will democracy and liberty ever emerge in China?  Why or why not?  
What has changed in the last nine years in China that alters Shambaugh’s assessment of China’s future from when he wrote this book in 2015?  What events, policies, shifts, and actions have altered China’s pathway?  Or have they, in fact, altered that pathway at all?  In your essay, address what Shambaugh explains has led China to the current pathway, and then engage why China has or has not deviated from that pathway.  Be sure to engage the political, economic, and social dimensions of what has happened in China in the last eight years by using at least four outside academic and/or journalistic sources.  
How has Xi Jinping altered China’s pathway?  What has he done as President and Chairman of the CCP that has shifted or adjusted the pathway on which China has been moving?  In your essay, address the nature of Marxist-Leninist system and China’s one party state and how Xi has impacted both party and state.  Also bring to bear in your analysis the ways Xi has tried to shape Chinese society and citizens.  What major initiatives has he pursued?  How have they been implemented?  How have these initiative shaped China’s present and future?  In addition to the book, please use at least four outside academic and/or journalistic sources.          This is the chinas future book. [archiveorg chinasfuture0000sham width=560 height=384 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

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