Paper on Polls You are required to participate in the weekly polls and sometime

July 26, 2024

Paper on Polls

You are required to participate in the weekly polls and sometime throughout the semester you will select one of the polling topics that particularly appeals to you. In your Paper on Polls written assignment, you will discuss the class results of the vote on the polling topic you have chosen and why you agree or disagree with the general opinion. At the beginning of your paper state the poll question (use the brief description provided below for the topic you choose), possible answers and present the class statistics for each of the answers. Then discuss why you agree or disagree with the class results.

Voting Poll Headings:

1) Types of Research: Pure, Applied or Both


This paper will require good grammar and spelling, logical development of ideas/concepts and clear, concise writing.
Your paper should follow these specifications:

  • Style and organization: This is an academic paper and should be written using academic language. First person may be used.
  • Length: A maximum of 1 page with standard margins (not including your reference list). A title page is not needed.
  • Font: The text should use Times New Roman, 12-point font and double line spacing.
  • References: Although the use of peer-reviewed sources is not required, you may choose to use such sources to support your opinion. In this case, you must use in-text citations and a list of references should appear at the end of your paper (this reference list is not included in the page limit). use APA 7 style should be used for both in-text citations and your list of references.

    Grading Expectations

    Your PAPER WILL BE will graded out of 10 marks, using the following grading breakdown:

    • Inclusion of the poll question/topic and possible answers (2) marks
    • Inclusion of the class statistics for this poll when voted (2) marks
    • Clear, concise and logical discussion of why you agree or disagree with the class results of the poll (4)marks
    • Style: overall clarity, free of spelling, typos, grammatical errors, proper APA 7 style use owl purde . Any sources used must be relevant and credible. (2) marks
    • Biopsychology has many divisions that study different aspects of the biology of behavior. In the study of Biopsychology there are two main classifications of research, pure (primarily motivated by curiosity) and applied (for direct benefit to humans). Which do you think is more important?
    • Pure
    • Applied
    • Both are equally valuable

    • mam you have to use these poll docx document which i have attached above no other document should be usedIt will be used as class statics andWill also Clear, concise and logical discussion of why you agree or disagree with the class
      intext citataion should match with reference

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