Overview The field of communication has a wide variety of career possibilities,

May 13, 2024

The field of communication has a wide variety of career possibilities, both within and outside of business environments. Some roles require you work with customers, while others require you work with internal staff, media, technical writing, and so on. While all of these types of roles require you to be an effective communicator, they also each have a unique purpose and specialized skills.
Using the Role Comparison Graphic Organizer (below) to compare and contrast three different roles and responsibilities of communication professionals who work in business environments.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
What types of communication are communication professionals responsible for?
What types of stakeholders do they work with most?
What kinds of unique skills do they need to be effective in their roles?
How is their work influenced by organizational mission, vision, and values?
What are the key similarities and differences between the roles?
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Template: Communication Role Comparison Graphic Organizer Word Document
Use this template to compare and contrast three different communication roles that work within business environments. Use the guiding questions in the prompt to guide your comparisons. Any references should be cited in APA format.

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