Overview: For this assignment, you will listen to the song “Run to You” in your

June 30, 2024

For this assignment, you will listen to the song “Run to You” in your textbook and
answer questions about the recording.
• Listen to the song “Run to You” on page 27 of your textbook.
• In a Word document, answer the following questions:
o What is the time signature of this song?
o Based on the performance, how would you label the tempo of this song?
o The tie over the bar line measure 16 and 17 indicates that pitch is held for
how many beats?
o There is a time signature change in this song. Give the measure number
where the time signature change occurs. How long does the time
signature change last?
o Using the vocal line only, how many ties are used in this song?
o Would it be possible to beam all of the pitches together in measure 12?
o How many beats does the dotted note receive in measure 13? In measure
14? In measure 16?
o How many beats of rests are used in measure 4?
o What kind of rest is used at the conclusion of the song?
• Submit a Word document.

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