Over the past 2 weeks, you have examined several different criminal justice inte

May 2, 2024

Over the past 2 weeks, you have examined several different criminal justice interventions for combating criminal organizations. As you did so, you may have had some initial thoughts about whether those interventions are or would be effective for combating criminal organizations in your own community. Periodically reviewing the effectiveness of existing criminal justice interventions is important because criminal organizations are constantly evolving and what once worked well may no longer be effective. New or different interventions may be needed to keep up with the threat of those organizations.
For this Assignment, imagine that you are tasked with developing a proposal to improve criminal justice interventions against criminal organizations in your community. Think about existing interventions you would continue to use and the ones you would replace. 
Submit a 950- to 1,350-word proposal that includes the following components:
Part I: Current Interventions (350–500 words)
Briefly summarize existing law enforcement, judicial, and correctional interventions used to combat criminal organizations in your community.
Explain which interventions should be retained and which interventions should be eliminated or changed and why.
Part II: Proposed Interventions (350–500 words)
Propose at least one new intervention that should be implemented for each of the criminal justice subsystems (law enforcement, courts, and corrections).
Explain why each would be more effective than current interventions alone.
Part III: Obstacles (250–350 words)
Describe the obstacles you may encounter while attempting to implement these recommendations.
Explain how you could overcome the obstacles. Be specific.
Be sure to reference the course readings to support your responses.

Inside out: The challenge of prison-based criminal organizations


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