Option 1: In the news, we often hear examples of how DNA or the transfer of gene

April 16, 2024

Option 1:
In the news, we often hear examples of how DNA or the transfer of genetic information impacted someone’s life. Examples range from DNA fingerprinting to genetically engineered organisms to an individual with a genetic disease. In each of these scenarios, the structure of nucleic acids and the flow of genetic information through mRNA to protein are involved. Using an example from the news or a scholarly article, describe how the structure of DNA or the transfer of genetic information impacted someone’s life. Be sure to use at least one source and include at least one APA formatted citation.
Option 2:
Genetics is a rapidly evolving area of science. Each year advances in genetics bring exciting new technologies to the market. Areas such as forensics, genealogy, and healthcare have all been affected by new genetic technologies. Choose a genetic technology and report on how this technology is affecting or will effect our lives. Give at least one outside source and cite in APA format.

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