Once you have received feedback from your instructor and your peer reviewers on

May 7, 2024

Once you have received feedback from your instructor and your peer reviewers on your rough draft, it will be time to revise your Research Paper and submit the final draft. When revising, carefully review the feedback you have received from your instructor and classmates, along with the grading rubric.
To earn credit for this assignment, you must make revisions to your rough draft. Remember, you can also visit the Virtual Communication Lab for feedback and help to revise your paper. 
In addition to your revised paper, you will need to submit a reflection letter based on the process outlined in the reading in Module 3 Reading and Resources. The reflection letter (at least 250 words) should be uploaded as a separate document.
In your reflection, you should:
Explain what you intend for the paper to do for its audience. State who you think your target audience is. Discuss the purpose(s) and the effect(s) you want it to have on your readers.
Describe your process of working on the paper. How did you narrow the assigned topic? What kind of planning did you do? What steps did you go through? What revisions did you make after completing your rough draft, and why?
How did comments from your classmates and instructor help you? How did any class readings or activities help you?
What aspects of the paper are you still most concerned about? What aspects are you most proud of? 
After you’ve drafted your reflection letter, think about whether your letter and paper match up. Does the paper really do what your letter promises? If not, then use the draft of your letter as a revising tool to make a few more adjustments. Then, when the paper is polished and ready to hand in, polish the letter as well and submit them together.
Be sure to follow APA student paper guidelines for your title page, page numbers, font, margins, and in-text citations and references. 
This is what my proffersor said about my rough draft
Here is my feedback on your Essay 2 draft.
Cover Page:
create a proper academic title. You can use a phrase from your paper, but don’t create a complete sentence. For example, the title could be “Charting a Sustainable and Affordable Future: Strategies for Escalating Ticket Prices”.
it would be helpful to quantify the recent surge in jet fuel prices with statistics. Likewise, it would be useful to quantify how much aviation is thought to contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Don’t say, “This essay aims to…”.  Instead, turn that statement into a thesis that makes your argument.
Body Paragraph 1:
The first sentence is almost a paragraph in itself, so break it into separate, well-paced sentences. It would also help to start with a topic sentence that develops your argument.
When you identify an acronym, provide the long version first with the acronym in parentheses:  According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)….
At the end of the paragraph, it would be helpful to point to a solution or countermeasure for airlines. (Think of a sentence starting with “Consequently, …” or “This trend indicates …”)
In the current last sentence of the paragraph, change “this” to “which.”
Body Paragraphs 2 and 3:
Switch the order of the first two sentences, and provide a citation for the claim that jet fuel often ranks second after labor. Use a signal phrase to identify where the source material begins:  According to Hsu and Eie, …(2013).
The third body paragraph repeats some of the second, but has the source citation for Miyoshi and Fukui. Consequently, you need to combine the two paragraphs in a meaningful way. The sentences in the middle of the third paragraph seem to belong at the end of that section, since they point to solutions that you do not explore in detail in the paragraph. Are there any promising alternative fuels?
Body Paragraph 4:
If you integrate and rearrange Body Paragraphs 2 and 3 so that they end by pointing to the need for alternative fuels, this paragraph should smoothly continue the progression. However, make sure you tweak the first two sentences to make them topic sentences that develop your thesis. At the moment, the first sentence is information-driven.
Use a signal phrase for Turner and Lim, such as “In their research, Turner and Lim found that … (2015). Make sure you end with your analysis or by pointing to the solutions. Don’t let source material get the first and last words!
Conclusion and References:
The conclusion covers all the bases and finishes well, although the solutions could be more specific (but only if you discussed the solutions already).
In the References, italicize the names of journals and their volume numbers (but not the journal article title or the issue number. If you added new sources for statistics, make sure you cite them here.
Double-check that each body paragraph synthesizes at least two sources.  
Ive attached my rough draft below

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