Objective Demonstrate a basic understanding and application of health care finan

July 2, 2024

Demonstrate a basic understanding and application of health care financial statements and ratios.
Parts of the report
Histories of 2 leaders of the organization (ex. CEO, CFO, Board Chair, etc.)
Listing and analysis of the 11 financial ratios
A conclusion that provides your outlook for the next 5-10 years for your hospital or health care organization
Provide a substantial case study of your hospital’s financial and operational situation.
This will include, but not be limited to: (Note: This section should only be 2-3 pages long.)
Hospital(s) brief history (1 page)
Analysis of the background of two leaders for your hospital(s)
Description of its local and regional economic factors
Provide a CFO-level analysis of your hospital’s financial recent results, challenges and its opportunities for the next 2-4 years.
This will include, but not be limited to:
Calculation and analysis of 11 financial ratios provided. (Instructor will provide list of ratios)
Baseline financials from 5-10 years ago. (Use search for ‘Form 990’.)
Clinical labor challenges
Public policy challenges
Report specifications

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