NYS Research Paper Overview: Introduction: Define community justice and introduc

July 5, 2024

NYS Research Paper Overview:
Define community justice and introduce community-based approaches.
Preview the problem or issue to be researched and outline the community-based solutions to be analyzed.
Statement of the Problem:
Provide detailed statistics, data, and analysis related to the identified problem.
Emphasize the problem’s significance in the context of community justice.
Critical Analysis and Discussion:
Evaluate various community-based strategies, practices, and policies addressing the problem.
Compare perspectives from different scholars and class readings.
Discuss strengths, weaknesses, and alternative strategies.
Summary and Conclusions:
Summarize the problem and assess the potential of selected solutions/strategies.
Provide recommendations for effective community-based practices and policies.
Justify recommendations based on your analysis.
Include a bibliography in APA format.
Minimum 8 sources required (6 academic peer-reviewed, 3 from course readings).
Annotations not needed for the final paper.

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