Now you will submit the final version of the paper you have been working on over

April 20, 2024

Now you will submit the final version of the paper you have been working on over the past several weeks. Upload as a Word doc only.
As a reminder, here are the full and detailed instructions for your final paper:
Student will create a 1500-word research paper based on the art object or monument selected from one of the global (non-Western) or ‘Contemporary Art Worldwide’ chapters in the Gardner’s textbook relevant to the time period covered in this class (1300 CE to present). Students are welcome/encouraged to select a socially/politically charged contemporary work from a living non-American or American artist who self-defines as belonging to a minority or marginalized group. In all circumstances, the object or monument should represent a culture different from the one in which the student self-identifies. The student will explain this difference by defining their own personal values and beliefs and then highlighting the contrasts in a respectful way. Student should be prepared to articulate, (1) how the art object reflects the values of the cultural group in question, and (2) how the art object or monument represents a communication style (symbolic or literal) specific to the researched group. Student should consider the following questions when describing the art object within its context: 
What formal or iconographic qualities reflect the cultural group’s cultural/political/economic/religious views?
Does the work respond to/push against the relevant region’s ethnic/cultural majority?
Does the artist respond in any way to their society’s political structure?
Does the artist employ group-specific symbols (symbolic language) to convey information that reflects historical discrimination?
What aspects of the object demonstrate the maker’s social agency (or lack thereof)?
This final, revised paper will represent the second revised and expanded version of the paper. As such, this paper should be well written using college-level English and nearly error free. See grading rubric for criteria regarding grammar, spelling, word use, rhetorical style and paper format. The research questions submitted with the topic proposal for this project should evolve into to a well-researched thesis statement. Papers should address questions formulated from information gaps in Gardner’s or provide a reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, published data on the topic.
As the final project for art history survey, students will be expected to critically apply concepts, vocabulary, content, themes and methodologies relevant to global art history, as assimilated in class lectures. As the culminating project for a General Education Intellectual + Practical Skills course, this final project should reflect the assimilation and application of critical communication, problem solving, process writing, global concepts and human + cultural diversity knowledge acquired by the student over the course of the semester, and throughout the student’s general education. Students are strongly encouraged to collaborate with the USF Writing Studio while working on final stages of this paper. The USF Writing Studio is available to both remote and live students.
This project will be submitted in lieu of a final exam.
Avoid numerous or long direct quotes. If you do quote or paraphrase, be sure to cite your source. You should always cite your sources for anything you write, every time. To not do so constitutes plagiarism. Your bibliography should include credible, authoritative sources, as vetted in the earlier bibliography assignment keyed to this project. Whenever relevant, critically compare and contrast opposing claims by other authors who have published research on your topic. Includes footnote or endnotes and a bibliography. Follow the Chicago Style Guide, provided. Your paper should be formatted in a clear way with introduction, body and conclusion. As an art history paper, include photographs of art works discussed, properly labeled with artist, title and date. Photographs should be labeled figure 1, figure 2, etc. and referenced as such in the body of your paper: eg., “As seen in figure 2, . . . “
Be sure to have a look at the rubric criteria, below, for which you will be assessed. Once your paper has been graded, please read the helpful comments and feedback you’ll find embedded in the rubric. All point deductions will be justified with grader comments. Additional grader feedback will be provided in the text box below your grade.
Your final paper should include:
An introductory paragraph and thesis–page one, maybe two.
A two-pronged thesis statement. As your thesis has evolved from your two research questions, it should be a two-pronged statement in the form of two relevant assertions that can be supported by the research you have done. Your topic proposal (approved and revised from earlier assignments) becomes your paper’s introduction. Your thesis is typically the last sentence or two of your introduction. Your introduction is typically one paragraph, but it can be two or sometimes three.
A body with paragraphs organized in such a way that they correspond to your thesis statement. For a two-pronged thesis, elaborate on question or prong one first, in two or more paragraphs–pages two and maybe three; followed by prong two in pages three, maybe four.
A concluding paragraph(s) that summarizes your findings and reflects the ideas presented in your introduction–page five, maybe six.
Images and bibliography should be at the end of your paper.
Images should be properly labeled and numbered: Figure 1, Figure 2,…
You may use endnotes or footnotes to cite quoted or paraphrased references. Footnotes go at the bottom page in text body. Endnotes go all on one page before bibliography.
Endnotes page should be labelled “Notes” or “Endnotes”.
Bibliography page should be labelled “Bibliography”.
Your project will include a bibliography with at least 3 citations plus Gardner’s–current scholarship on your work (books, articles, exhibition catalogues), and a color photograph(s) of your work with full identification label (artist, title, date, media, culture, current location). Bibliography and images will be attached at the end of paper.

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