Note: please complete all four sections below and label all sections with the nu

May 7, 2024

Note: please complete all four sections below and label all sections with the numbers and letters listed below.
(1) In some detail explain the scientific method and all of its steps as presented by the textbook.
(2) Consider the readings from Chapter 11 of the textbook The Power of Critical Thinking 7th edition by Lewis Vaughn on “The Scientific Method” and “Testing Scientific Theories.”  Develop a hypothesis related to the efficacy of a Covid-19 vaccine (your company calls it “coRid-23”) and use hypothesis testing to develop your own scientific, clinical trial.  Be sure your experiment will provide the most conclusive results possible.  As such, as part of the clinical trial, be sure to explain and incorporate all of the following ideas: (a) the experimental group, (b) the control group, (c) placebo, (d) double-blind study, and (e) replicated study.  In addition to applying each of these ideas to your own study, you must also explain them in a few sentences.
(3) Find an online website or internet article discussing one of the recent scientific studies related to a Covid-19 vaccine study (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, etc.).  The article must come from a reputable news source (choose between: NYT, BBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, or FOX only).  Include a link to the news article you chose.  Briefly summarize the details of the vaccine study/trial.
(4) Then, compare your chosen news article from (3) above to your own proposed study of coRid-23 in part (2).  Then answer two (and only two) of the following questions: (a) How are the two studies similar?  (b) What are some specific differences between the two studies? (c) If the goal is to have a vaccine that works on all people, how might the study or studies be improved?  (d) What concerns do you have with either of the two studies? (e) How might you compare the two vaccines to determine which of the two is better/more effective? [Remember to label with the letters all parts above.]

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