North Ridge Security provides security consulting and assurance services. You ha

July 5, 2024

North Ridge Security provides security consulting and assurance services. You have recently been hired as an intern to assist them.
The new CEO of Premier Landscape Services (PLS) wants to migrate all IT functions to the cloud. He argues that PLS could then downsize the IT staff as well as eliminate the need to purchase hardware and software on a regular cycle. The CEO also wants to outsource all security functions to MSSPs. The current CIO supports a migration to the cloud but only for selected services, and is opposed to using MSSPs for security. North Ridge has been brought in to help PLS.
– Create a table for the executive staff about cloud computing. Include types of clouds, locations, architectures, models, and management.
– The CEO of PLS was impressed with your knowledge of cloud computing and has asked for your opinion of moving all IT resources to the cloud and contracting with MSSPs for security. Create a-one-page memo that outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each side of the argument, and then give your recommendation.

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