May 22, 2024

Write an essay that discusses the history and development of modern racism. Your writing must address the questions below and  incorporate several of the relevant topics covered in this course. (See the first page of this module.)
What are the origins of race and racism? 
What are the relationships between race, ethnicity, culture, and nationalism?
How has race and racism been integrated into the political, social, economic, and cultural fabric of the United States?
Your responses MUST:
Be written in essay form: introduction, body, and conclusion.
Do not simply answer each prompt in short answer style and then put those paragraphs in order.
Be organized with a discernible thesis statement and supporting points
Contain relevant information from multiple assigned course materials, both films and readings.
Use specific examples from the films and readings to support your writing.
Direct quotes should not be excessive in number nor length
Direct quotes should be limited to no more than 3-4 per page.
Direct quotes should be no more than 2-3 lines long.
Include parenthetical citations within the document where necessary.
For films, provide the film name and time stamp. For example, (Mastering a Continent, 0:34)
For readings, provide the author’s last name and page number. For example, (Forbes, p. 23) 
Not contain information from any sources outside of course materials, i.e. the internet, Google, other websites, etc.
Be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
Not use slang, colloquialisms, and text speech.
Be restricted to the following upload file types: Google docs (.gdoc), and Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx).  No other file types (.txt, .pdf) are permitted.
Not include a header, a title page, nor a works cited/bibliography page
Contain at least 1250 words, but no more than 1500 words
Best Essay Writing Rubric (100pts) (1)
Best Essay Writing Rubric (100pts) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticulation of Thesis & Focus
Clear articulation of thesis/argument. Central ideas and details consistently focus on the topic of the assignment.
28 to >23.8 pts
Purpose and focus of assignment are articulated clearly and concisely in a thesis statement. Ideas and details consistently support the thesis..
23.8 to >21.0 pts
Thesis statement, purpose, and focus of assignment are fairly clear. Most ideas and details support the thesis.
21 to >18.2 pts
Thesis statement, purpose, and focus of assignment are marginally articulated. Some ideas and details do not support the thesis.
18.2 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
The thesis statement, purpose, and focus of assignment are not clearly articulated. Many ideas and details do not support the thesis.
28 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Examples & References to Course Materials
Use of clear, relevant evidence and examples from the required course materials that relate to the focus of the assignment.
28 to >23.8 pts
Frequent and consistent use of clear, relevant examples and evidence from the required course materials that relate to the focus of the assignment.
23.8 to >21.0 pts
Provides some clear, relevant examples or evidence from the required course materials but not consistent. Some examples or evidence are not related to the focus of the assignment.
21 to >18.2 pts
Provides few clear examples and evidence from the required course materials that relate to the focus of the assignment.
18.2 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Little to no use of clear, relevant examples and evidence from the required course materials that relate to the focus of the assignment.
28 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParagraph Development & Transitions
Well-developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences and subsequent sentences that provide examples and develop points. Strong, consistent transitions between paragraphs and points in the writing.
14 to >11.9 pts
Paragraphs are consistently well developed, with a clear topic sentence and several sentences that provide examples and develop points. Strong and/or consistent transition between paragraphs and points in the writing.
11.9 to >10.5 pts
Most paragraphs are well-developed, with a clear topic sentence and several sentences that provide examples and develop points. Fairly consistent transitions between paragraphs and points in the writing.
10.5 to >9.1 pts
Some structure and development of paragraphs and/or some with clear topic sentences and focus, but not consistently. Some transition or flow between paragraphs.
9.1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Very few paragraphs with clear topic sentences. Paragraphs have little or no development. Little to no transition between paragraphs and points in the writing.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction & Conclusion
Introduction clearly states the author’s thesis/argument and forecasts major points. Conclusion summarizes major points and demonstrates broader perspective.
12 to >10.2 pts
Clear introduction that states the author’s thesis and forecasts the major points. Conclusion goes beyond summary of what was written and addresses broader perspectives.
10.2 to >9.0 pts
Introduction states a fairly clear thesis and some of the major points are forecast. Conclusion summarizes major points and goes beyond summary to include additional information.
9 to >7.8 pts
Some evidence of an introduction. Thesis is vaguely stated. Nothing beyond a forecast of the major points. Some summary of points made, but nothing beyond summary. No broader perspectives addressed.
7.8 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Poor introduction. Thesis not stated. Major points not forecast. Conclusion does not summarize argument and major points.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling & Grammar
Demonstrates proper spelling and grammar.
8 to >6.8 pts
There are no misspellings and grammatical errors in the document.
6.8 to >6.0 pts
There are only a few misspellings and/or grammatical errors in the entire document. The readability of the work is minimally interrupted by errors.
6 to >5.2 pts
There are some misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors in the entire document. Errors distract from the understanding of the work.
5.2 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
There are many misspellings and/or systematic grammatical errors in the entire document. The readability of the work is seriously hampered by errors.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMeets the Required Minimum Word Count
10 pts
Full Credit
Meets the minimum required word count
0 pts
Zero Credit
Does not meet the minimum required word count.
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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