NO COVER PAGE NEEDED This is another week of discussion with potentially sensiti

July 1, 2024

This is another week of discussion with potentially sensitive subject matters. Please remember that when we are discussing religion in an anthropological sense, we are talking about a formalized, ritualized way to express beliefs – whatever they may be – and how they are important to a culture or cultures. Please remember to be sensitive to the ethnic and cultural differences of your peers. 
So, considering that, what are some roles of religion in cultures? Also, religions and religious organizations, such as churches, synagogues, or mosques and the like, serve various human purposes globally. What are some of those specific human purposes and how do they fit into the broader culture surrounding the religious organization or organizations? An example you may be interested in researching is the langar in Sikhism, for instance, which offers free meals to visitors. What are some more examples to consider? 
As you engage with your peers during this discussion, please mention where and when a fellow student shares information that expands your understanding of religion in the anthropological sense.  

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