No additional sources are needed. Please only use the attached case study as the

April 29, 2024

No additional sources are needed. Please only use the attached case study as the source for the document.
Instructions for the paper:
1. This paper requires a complete, thoughtful answer/response. Your goal is to provide a complete, relevant, accurate (if the question is more than just an “opinion” question) response in light of the readings, lectures, and discussions.
Your response must be in a Word (or Word-compatible) document. When you save the document, please title it with your name, and the problem number (e.g., “Jane Doe – FAA Problems Assignment”). Please do not include special characters (commas, quotation marks, question marks, and so on) in the document title because that may cause Canvas to reject your upload.
Please use an easily-readable font, in at least a 12-point size. Be sure that your work product is consistent with a professional standard, and reflects the image with which you want to be associated. Please use footnotes and endnotes for appropriate citation of resources.
2. Samples of the paper is attached, and pdf name starts with SAMPLE. You can use the format of these Samples for the case study
3. The actual paper to have the case study report completed on is titled: FOR CASE STUDY REPORT – Shepherd & Mason

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