My Self-Desing Thematic Sequance is Women Studies using the three class attached

April 29, 2024

My Self-Desing Thematic Sequance is Women Studies using the three class attached below. Read the three classes syllabus below and answer the following topics. 
My current Major is Media and Communication, so maybe incorporate how a SDTS in Women’s study will be helpful 
Upload a detailed proposal outlining the proposed SDTS. Statements are around 1000 words. This proposal must answer each of the following questions with detailed examples: 
How will this broaden your knowledge in the topic area chosen?
How are you initially connecting the courses in relation to the topic area chosen?
If you have already taken one or more of these courses, what are specific points and concepts that carry across the courses? How did you engage in critical thinking and communication in them?
How would you explain to a potential employer, graduate school committee, or other relevant future audience the meaningfulness of this group of courses to your overall liberal education experience at Miami.  

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